Alex Lord´s British Columbia: Recollections of a Rural School Inspector, 1915-1936
Alex Lord, a pioneer inspector of rural British Columbia schools,shares in these recollections his experiences in a province barely outof the stage coach era. Travelling through vast northern territory,utilizing unreliable transportation and enduring climatic extremes,Lord became familiar with the aspirations of remote communities andtheir faith in the humanizing effects of tiny assisted schools. Enroute, he performed in resolute yet imaginative fashion the supervisoryfunctions of a top government educator developing an educationalphilosophy of his own based on an understanding of the provincialgeography, a reverence for citizenship, and a work ethic tuned tochallenge and accomplishment.
These memoirs invite the reader to experience ... Read more
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Reviews for Alex Lord´s British Columbia: Recollections of a Rural School Inspector, 1915-1936
Paul J. Stortz
BC Studies
Lord's strength is that he delightfully conveys a ... Read more