Injustice: Why Social Inequality Still Persists
Danny Dorling
In the five years since the first edition of Injustice there have been devastating increases in poverty, hunger and destitution in the UK. Globally, the richest 1% have never held a greater share of world wealth, while the share of most of the other 99% has fallen in the last five years, with more and more people in debt, especially the young. Economic inequalities will persist and continue to grow for as long as we tolerate the injustices which underpin them.
This fully rewritten and updated edition revisits Dorling’s claim that Beveridge’s five social evils are being replaced by ... Read more
We are living in the most remarkable and dangerous times. With every year that passes it is more evident that Injustice is essential reading for anyone concerned with social justice and wants to do something about it.
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About Danny Dorling
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