Communication and Interpersonal Skills in Social Work
Juliet Koprowska
Although communication and interpersonal skills are widely-taught as a core element of the social work degree, understanding the theory and processes around them can be a challenge. This book starts with the fundamentals and looks at individual theories and approaches, relating them directly to social work practice. This approach will help you to understand the benefits that good communication skills can bring to your practice placements and work with clients. The content is grounded in social work practice and is totally skills-focused. There are new sections on groupwork, working with vulnerable clients and communicating effectively with children.
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This book is in the Transforming Social Work Practice series. All books in the series are affordable, mapped to the Social Work Curriculum, practical with clear links between theory & practice and written to the Professional Capabilities Framework.
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About Juliet Koprowska
Reviews for Communication and Interpersonal Skills in Social Work