Rethinking Childhood
. Ed(S): Pufall, Peter B.; Bluebond-Langner, Myra; Unsworth, Richard P.
Being a child in American society can be problematic. Twenty percent of American children live in poverty, parents are divorcing at high rates, and educational institutions are not always fulfilling their goals. Against this backdrop, children are often patronized or idealized by adults. Rarely do we look for the strengths within children that can serve as the foundation for growth and development. In Rethinking Childhood, twenty contributors, coming from the disciplines of anthropology, government, law, psychology, education, religion, philosophy, and sociology, provide a multidisciplinary view of childhood by listening and understanding the ways children shape their own futures. Topics include ... Read more
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About . Ed(S): Pufall, Peter B.; Bluebond-Langner, Myra; Unsworth, Richard P.
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