The Force of Domesticity: Filipina Migrants and Globalization
Rhacel Salazar Parrenas
Taking as her subjects migrant Filipina domestic workers in Rome and Los Angeles, transnational migrant families in the Philippines, and Filipina migrant entertainers in Tokyo, Parreñas documents the social, cultural, and political pressures that maintain women’s domesticity in migration, as well as the ways migrant women and their children negotiate these adversities.
Parreñas examines the underlying constructions of gender in neoliberal state regimes, export-oriented economies such as that of the Philippines, protective migration laws, and the actions and decisions of migrant Filipino women in maintaining families and communities, raising questions about gender relations, the status of women in globalization, ... Read more
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About Rhacel Salazar Parrenas
Reviews for The Force of Domesticity: Filipina Migrants and Globalization
David L. Eng,author of Racial Castration The Force of Domesticity offers fresh perspectives on the complex linkages of gender and globalization that connect the world today. Through a multi-site analysis of Filipino ... Read more