Collaborative Approaches to Resolving Conflict
Isenhart, Myra Warren; Spangle, Michael L.
"It provides a very good overview of the field of conflict resolution, an overview that is not to be found in any other existing volume. I very much like the breadth of coverage, as well as the use of the profiles of conflict resolution professionals. The authors write very well, and the book will be accessible to a wide audience." ¯Eban Weitzman, Ph.D., Graduate Programs in Dispute Resolution, University of Massachusetts, Boston
"I liked this book quite a lot. Its combination of theory, practice, and professional profiles is an innovative and very useful approach." ¯Heidi Burgess, Conflict Research ... Read more
"Whether you are dealing with a conflict on Capitol Hill or in a local community, this book will be an extraordinarily useful tookit for helping you to turn paralysis into progress." ¯Mark Gerzon, author of A House Divided: Six Belief Systems Struggling for America′s Soul
If you′ve ever wondered how best to approach a conflict, Collaborative Approaches to Resolving Conflict will help you choose the right method for your problem. Using the same tool for different kinds of conflict often leaves us feeling stuck and frustrated. Authors Myra Warren Isenhart and Michael L. Spangle explain the major approaches to managing disputes at home, in the workplace or school, within communities, or in the international arena. The reader will find that each approach is illustrated with recent examples of what can go wrong and how to respond most appropriately. This book includes the following approaches:
- Negotiation
- Mediation
- Facilitation
- Arbitration
- Judicial Processes
Profiles of experienced and respected practitioners accompany each approach. These well-known men and women describe how they entered their chosen field, what their work is like, and what topics are controversial in their areas.
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About Isenhart, Myra Warren; Spangle, Michael L.
Reviews for Collaborative Approaches to Resolving Conflict