Metropolitan Resilience in a Time of Economic Turmoil
Michael Pagano
Cities, counties, school districts and other local governments have suffered a long-lasting period of fiscal challenges since the beginning of the Great Recession. Metropolitan governments continue to adjust to the "new normal" of sharply lower property values, consumer sales, and personal income. Contributors to this volume include elected officials, academics, key people in city administrations, and other nationally recognized experts who discuss solutions to the urban problems created by the Great Recession.
Metropolitan Resilience in a Time of Economic Turmoil looks at the capacity of local governments to mobilize resources efficiently and effectively, as well as the overall effects of ... Read more
Contributors are Phil Ashton, Raphael Bostic, Richard Feiock, Rachel A. Gordon, Rebecca Hendrick, Geoffrey J.D. Hewings, David Merriman, Richard Nathan, Michael A. Pagano, Breeze Richardson, Annette Steinacker, Nik Theodore, Rachel Weber, and Margaret Weir.
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About Michael Pagano
Reviews for Metropolitan Resilience in a Time of Economic Turmoil
Bruce Katz, coauthor of The Metropolitan Revolution "This book reveals the potential of metropolitan regions to cure, but also to transcend, endemic impasses beyond their respective borders. This well-written and insightful book is a ... Read more