Ostracism, Exclusion, and Rejection (Frontiers of Social Psychology)
. Ed(S): Williams, Kipling D.; Nida, Steve A.
Ostracism, Exclusion, and Rejection examines research into the related phenomena of ostracism, exclusion and rejection. Most individuals have experienced both sides of the coin: being ostracized and ostracizing others. People experience mild forms of ostracism on a daily basis, but some endure years and decades of being the social outcast. How does it feel to be shunned, left out, not wanted? Research suggests that even the mildest and briefest forms of ostracism are painful and have downstream consequences to our feelings of social connection. Longer-term ostracism has devastating consequences on individuals’ health and well-being.
This innovative compilation covers how being cast ... Read more
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About . Ed(S): Williams, Kipling D.; Nida, Steve A.
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