The Nursery Year in Action: Following children’s interests through the year
Anna Ephgrave
Child-led learning in the early years allows children to thrive while making accelerated progress. Young children learn and develop best when they are in a stimulating environment which is carefully organised and equipped to meet their needs, interests and stages of development, and where each child’s progress is carefully observed, managed and enhanced by adults who engage and interact with them to support them in making outstanding progress.
Demonstrating how a child-led approach supports the development of purposeful, calm, confident and independent children, The Nursery Year in Action offers a unique month-by-month overview of the workings of an outstanding Nursery setting. ... Read more
Key features include:
- Over 150 full colour photographs to illustrate practice
- Photocopiable pages of planning sheets, record keeping sheets, sample letters to parents and play resources also available for download
- List of resources and materials
- Examples of individual learning journeys and planning in the moment for groups
- Guidance on what to look for when assessing children’s progress
- Advice on risk/benefit assessments
- Suggestions for managing transitions and minimising stress
Written by a leading consultant teacher whose Early Years’ department has achieved "Outstanding" at four consecutive Ofsted inspections, this book provides practitioners with the practical ideas to work with confidence in a way that is rewarding, manageable and, above all, creates a happy, relaxed learning environment for children.
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About Anna Ephgrave
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