Identifying Additional Learning Needs in the Early Years
Christine Macintyre
I know there is something wrong, but what?
How do I know if outside help for this child is needed?
How do I tell parents that their child could have a learning difficulty?
These are questions that most nursery workers will have to face during their careers, and questions which this new edition of Identifying Additional Learning Needs sets out to answer. Based on the experiences of real children and typical situations in early years settings, this book will be an invaluable companion for early years practitioners who care for and educate young children with additional learning needs.
Attention Deficit Disorder, dyspraxia, dyslexia and ... Read more
- explore the process of early identification;
- show how to make inclusion a reality in the nursery;
- tackle the complex issue of dealing with parents;
- discuss techniques for skilled and informed observation and assessment.
- Include developmental charts to allow a child’s progress to be monitored and celebrated.
Each chapter has an explanation section supported by a set of practical strategies to support both the child and the practitioner. Throughout this lively and informative book, Christine Macintyre uses case studies to highlight the importance of listening to young children and shows how making time for listening is vital to providing exactly the right level of help and support.
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About Christine Macintyre
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