. Ed(S): Gibson, Robin N.; Nash, Richard D. M.; Geffen, Audrey J.; Van Der Veer, Henk W.
Fascinating and instantly recognizable, flatfishes are unique in their asymmetric postlarval body form. With over 800 extant species recognized and a distribution stretching around the globe, these fishes are of considerable research interest and provide a major contribution to commercial and recreational fisheries worldwide. This second edition of Flatfishes: Biology and Exploitation has been completely revised, updated and enlarged to respond to the ever-growing body of research. It provides:
• Overviews of systematics, distribution, life history strategies, reproduction, recruitment, ecology and behaviour
• Descriptions of the major fisheries and their management
• An assessment of ... Read more
Reviews of the First Edition
• A solid, up-to-date book that advanced students and research scientists with interests in fish biology will find interesting and useful. Aquaculture International
• A data-rich book that outlines much of what you might ever want to know about flatfishes. Fish & Fisheries
• Well presented with clear illustrations and a valuable source of information for those with a general interest in fish ecology or for the more specialist reader. You should make sure that your library has a copy. J Fish Biology
• An excellent and very practical overview of the whole, global flatfish scene. Anyone interested in flatfish at whichever stage of the economic food chain should invest in a copy immediately. Ausmarine
• Because of the high quality of each chapter, written by international experts, it is a valuable reference. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries
Product Details
About . Ed(S): Gibson, Robin N.; Nash, Richard D. M.; Geffen, Audrey J.; Van Der Veer, Henk W.
Reviews for Flatfishes