Taking Stands: Gender and the Sustainability of Rural Communities
Maureen G. Reed
Environmental activism in rural places frequently pits residentswhose livelihood depends on resource extraction against those who seekto protect natural spaces and species. While many studies have focusedon women who seek to protect the natural environment, few have exploredthe perspectives of women who seek to maintain resource use.
This book goes beyond the dichotomies of "pro" and"anti" environmentalism to tell the stories of these women.Maureen Reed uses participatory action research to explain theexperiences of women who seek to protect forestry as an industry, alivelihood, a community, and a culture. She links their experiences topolicy making by considering the effects of environmental ... Read more
A powerful and challenging book, Taking Stands provides acrucial understanding of community change in resource-dependentregions, and helps us to better tackle the complexities of gender andactivism as they relate to rural sustainability. Social andenvironmental geographers, feminist scholars, and those engaged inrural studies, environmental sustainability, community planning, andpolicy making will find it invaluable.
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About Maureen G. Reed
Reviews for Taking Stands: Gender and the Sustainability of Rural Communities
Greg Halseth, Canada Research Chair in Rural and Small Town Studies, Geography, University of Northern British ... Read more