Central government
Results 1681 - 1700 of 1704
Central government
Hardcover. Argues that secular, educated elites, using a commission created at the 1968 convention in Chicago and later chaired by Senator George McGovern, took the Democratic Party away from working class and religious Democrats. Num Pages: 350 pages. BIC Classification: JPQ. Category: (G) General (US: Trade). Dimension: 240 x 166 x 28. Weight in Grams: 6342.
- Publisher
- Encounter Books
- Format
- Hardback
- Publication date
- 2007
- Edition
- 1st Edition
- Condition
- New
- V9781594032059
- 9781594032059
Condition: New
€ 32.99€ 29.42
€ 32.99
€ 29.42
Paperback. Tells how Brazil, against all odds, became the first developing country to universalize access to life-saving AIDS therapies - a breakthrough made possible by an unexpected alliance of activists, government reformers, development agencies, and the pharmaceutical industry. Series: In-Formation. Num Pages: 472 pages, 109 halftones. 5 line illus. 6 tables. BIC Classification: 1KLSB; JHMC; JKS; JPQB; LNTM; MJCJ2. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational; (U) Tertiary Education (US: College). Dimension: 235 x 155 x 30. Weight in Grams: 1050.
- Publisher
- Princeton University Press United States
- Number of pages
- 472
- Format
- Paperback
- Publication date
- 2009
- Edition
- 1st Edition
- Condition
- New
- V9780691143859
- 9780691143859
Condition: New
€ 59.72€ 46.93
€ 59.72
€ 46.93
Paperback. Editor(s): Art, Robert J.; Jervis, Robert; Stephen, Walter. Series: Cornell Studies in Security Affairs. Num Pages: 288 pages. BIC Classification: JPQB; JWK. Category: (G) General (US: Trade); (U) Tertiary Education (US: College). Dimension: 234 x 157 x 18. Weight in Grams: 426.
- Publisher
- Cornell University Press United States
- Number of pages
- 288
- Format
- Paperback
- Publication date
- 1994
- Edition
- 1st Edition
- Condition
- New
- V9780801481963
- 9780801481963
Condition: New
€ 33.99€ 30.77
€ 33.99
€ 30.77
Paperback. Deals with foreign affairs. Series: American Lectures on the History of Religions. Num Pages: 288 pages. BIC Classification: 1KBB; JPA; JPQB; JPS. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational. Dimension: 224 x 150 x 14. Weight in Grams: 363.
- Format
- Paperback
- Publication date
- 1998
- Publisher
- Columbia University Press United States
- Number of pages
- 288
- Condition
- New
- V9780231104272
- 9780231104272
Condition: New
€ 47.81
€ 47.81
Series: Blazer Lectures. Num Pages: 196 pages, black & white illustrations. BIC Classification: 1KBB; HBJK; JFSJ1; JPQB; KJW; KNXB. Category: (G) General (US: Trade). Dimension: 213 x 137 x 15. Weight in Grams: 249.
- Publication date
- 2014
- Publisher
- The University Press of Kentucky United States
- Edition
- 2
- Condition
- New
- V9780813145136
- 9780813145136
Condition: New
€ 27.99€ 27.55
€ 27.99
€ 27.55
Paperback. What role have women played in forming American foreign policy? In addressing that question, Professor Crapol found that, whereas women might have been viewed as having played a relatively minor role, they had, in fact, made significant contributions, despite being "secondary players". Series: America in the Modern World. Num Pages: 198 pages, bibliography, index. BIC Classification: 1KBB; 3JH; 3JJ; JFSJ1; JPQB; JPSD. Category: (UP) Postgraduate, Research & Scholarly; (UU) Undergraduate. Dimension: 228 x 165 x 16. Weight in Grams: 326.
- Format
- Paperback
- Publication date
- 1992
- Publisher
- Scholarly Resources Inc.,U.S. United States
- Number of pages
- 198
- Condition
- New
- V9780842024303
- 9780842024303
Condition: New
€ 60.33
€ 60.33
Paperback. .
- Format
- Paperback
- Publication date
- 2001
- Publisher
- Rutgers University Press
- Condition
- New
- V9780813528823
- 9780813528823
Condition: New
€ 42.99€ 37.70
€ 42.99
€ 37.70
Hardback. Editor(s): Smythe, April N. Num Pages: 184 pages, b/w photos. BIC Classification: 1KBB; 3JJ; JFSJ1; JPHL; JPQ. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational; (U) Tertiary Education (US: College). Dimension: 211 x 140 x 13. Weight in Grams: 290.
- Publisher
- Nova Science Publishers Inc United States
- Number of pages
- 184
- Format
- Hardback
- Publication date
- 2005
- Condition
- New
- V9781594546471
- 9781594546471
Condition: New
€ 83.60€ 58.82
€ 83.60
€ 58.82
Paperback. Examines the life and work of women who have reached positions of political power after the end of communism in Europe. This book explores the roles they have adopted, the relationships they have cultivated, and the agendas they have pursued. Editor(s): Rueschemeyer, Marilyn; Wolchik, Sharon L. Num Pages: 256 pages, illustrations. BIC Classification: 1D; 3JJPR; 3JMC; JFSJ1; JPQ. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational; (UP) Postgraduate, Research & Scholarly. Dimension: 227 x 153 x 19. Weight in Grams: 494.
- Format
- Paperback
- Publication date
- 2009
- Publisher
- Indiana University Press United States
- Number of pages
- 256
- Condition
- New
- V9780253221698
- 9780253221698
Condition: New
€ 26.99€ 25.41
€ 26.99
€ 25.41
Hardcover. In the run-up to the 2012 presidential election, Democrats and Republicans were locked in a fierce battle for the female vote. This book offers an exploration of how women are influencing policy and politics in this erstwhile male bastion of power. Num Pages: 304 pages, 10 line drawings, 19 tables. BIC Classification: 1KBB; JFSJ1; JPQ. Category: (G) General (US: Trade). Dimension: 229 x 152 x 20. Weight in Grams: 544.
- Format
- Hardback
- Publication date
- 2013
- Publisher
- The University of Chicago Press United States
- Number of pages
- 304
- Condition
- New
- V9780226022796
- 9780226022796
Condition: New
€ 107.50€ 89.34
€ 107.50
€ 89.34
Paperback. Num Pages: 98 pages, tables. BIC Classification: 1KBB; JFSJ1; JPQ; YQN. Category: (G) General (US: Trade); (UU) Undergraduate. Dimension: 215 x 135 x 8. Weight in Grams: 154.
- Format
- Paperback
- Publication date
- 2002
- Publisher
- Nova Science Publishers Inc United States
- Number of pages
- 98
- Condition
- New
- V9781590334997
- 9781590334997
Condition: New
€ 42.99€ 30.27
€ 42.99
€ 30.27
Paperback. Series: Urban Institute Press. Num Pages: 308 pages, illustrations. BIC Classification: JPQB; RPC. Category: (G) General (US: Trade). .
- Format
- Paperback
- Publication date
- 2009
- Publisher
- Urban Institute Press,U.S. United States
- Number of pages
- 308
- Condition
- New
- V9780877667483
- 9780877667483
Condition: New
€ 66.05
€ 66.05
Paperback. Num Pages: 240 pages, 1 map. BIC Classification: JFSG; JPQB; JPR; JPS. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational; (UP) Postgraduate, Research & Scholarly; (UU) Undergraduate. Dimension: 230 x 150 x 16. Weight in Grams: 400.
- Format
- Paperback
- Publication date
- 1998
- Publisher
- University of Minnesota Press United States
- Number of pages
- 240
- Condition
- New
- V9780816628933
- 9780816628933
Condition: New
€ 29.99€ 26.28
€ 29.99
€ 26.28
Paperback. Editor(s): Ghilarducci, Teresa, PH.D; Turner, John (British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge). Num Pages: 380 pages, illustrations. BIC Classification: JPQB; KNXB. Category: (G) General (US: Trade). Dimension: 234 x 161 x 20. Weight in Grams: 558.
- Format
- Paperback
- Publication date
- 2007
- Publisher
- University of Notre Dame Press
- Edition
- 1st Edition
- Condition
- New
- V9780268029708
- 9780268029708
Condition: New
€ 46.99€ 42.14
€ 46.99
€ 42.14
Hardback. No question is more pertinent to worker welfare than explaining changes in overall income inequality. The papers presented in this volume explore this important issue and evaluate government programmes and their impact upon welfare. Editor(s): Polachek, S.W. Series: Research in Labor Economics. Num Pages: 524 pages, Illustrations. BIC Classification: JHBL; JPQB; KCF. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational. Dimension: 225 x 150 x 36. Weight in Grams: 953.
- Format
- Hardback
- Publication date
- 2003
- Publisher
- Emerald Publishing Limited United States
- Number of pages
- 524
- Condition
- New
- V9780762310265
- 9780762310265
Condition: New
€ 265.82
€ 265.82
paperback. Quaid delves into the definition and history of workfare, and then continues with a critical and comparative analysis of workfare programs in six jurisdictions: California, Wisconsin, New York, Alberta, Ontario, and New Brunswick. Num Pages: 256 pages, 8 charts. BIC Classification: 1KBB; 1KBC; JHBL; JPQB. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational; (UP) Postgraduate, Research & Scholarly; (UU) Undergraduate. Dimension: 228 x 153 x 17. Weight in Grams: 388.
- Format
- Paperback
- Publication date
- 2002
- Publisher
- University of Toronto Press Canada
- Number of pages
- 256
- Condition
- New
- Edition
- Illustrated
- V9780802081018
- 9780802081018
Condition: New
€ 44.99€ 39.52
€ 44.99
€ 39.52
Paperback. Working futures? looks at the current effectiveness and future scope for enabling policy in the field of disability and employment. Num Pages: 368 pages, black & white tables, figures. BIC Classification: 1DB; JFFG; JPQB. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational; (UP) Postgraduate, Research & Scholarly. Dimension: 233 x 157 x 20. Weight in Grams: 540.
- Format
- Paperback
- Publication date
- 2005
- Publisher
- Policy Press
- Condition
- New
- V9781861346261
- 9781861346261
Condition: New
€ 43.99€ 41.33
€ 43.99
€ 41.33
Hardback. This book explains why countries have adopted different policies for working parents through a comparative historical study of four nations: France, the Netherlands, Sweden, and the United States. Num Pages: 264 pages, 9 tables, 19 figures. BIC Classification: 1DD; 1KBB; JFSJ1; JHBL; JPQB. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational; (UP) Postgraduate, Research & Scholarly; (UU) Undergraduate. Dimension: 5817 x 3887 x 20. Weight in Grams: 481.
- Format
- Hardback
- Publication date
- 2006
- Publisher
- Stanford University Press United States
- Number of pages
- 264
- Condition
- New
- V9780804754132
- 9780804754132
Condition: New
€ 119.02
€ 119.02
Paperback. This innovative book is concerned with the power relations, complexities, and contradictions in the paid workplace. Workplace learning is not value-free or politically neutral, and cannot be studied independently of the political economy of work. Num Pages: 208 pages, illustrations. BIC Classification: JPQB; KNXB. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational. Dimension: 234 x 166 x 14. Weight in Grams: 290.
- Format
- Paperback
- Publication date
- 2003
- Publisher
- University of Toronto Press Canada
- Edition
- 0th Edition
- Number of pages
- 208
- Condition
- New
- V9781442601130
- 9781442601130
Condition: New
€ 37.99€ 33.99
€ 37.99
€ 33.99
Paperback. This work is an analysis of the role of the vice president in foreign policy. Based on the experiences of the five vice presidents who were the most active in global affairs - Nixon, Mondale, Bush, Quayle and Gore - this work analyzes how he should, or should not, be used in US foreign policy. Series: The Presidency and Public Policy. Num Pages: 352 pages, bibliography, index. BIC Classification: 1KBB; JPHL; JPQB; JPS. Category: (G) General (US: Trade); (P) Professional & Vocational; (UP) Postgraduate, Research & Scholarly; (UU) Undergraduate. Dimension: 229 x 151 x 18. Weight in Grams: 460.
- Format
- Paperback
- Publication date
- 2000
- Publisher
- Lexington Books United States
- Number of pages
- 352
- Condition
- New
- V9780739102183
- 9780739102183
Condition: New
€ 68.09
€ 68.09