Democracy in Dark Times
Jeffrey C. Isaac
"This is a truly illuminating and necessary book. Jeffrey Isaac lucidly explores the moral and political dilemmas of this turbulent fin-de-siecle, East and West. His passionate approach is inspired by a genuine moral vision that sees liberal democracy as an unfinished, continuously beleaguered project. Hannah Arendt and Albert Camus, I am sure, would have been in full agreement with his line of reasoning."—Vladimir Tismaneanu, University of Maryland, College Park
"This will be the first of the many recent books on Hannah Arendt to move beyond exegesis to engage in the kind of thinking about politics that she so valued. The ... Read more
"Jeffrey Isaac's new book is essential reading for anyone who seeks to grapple seriously with the challenges confronting progressive democratic aspirations."—Ian Shapiro, Yale University
"This book reveals Isaac to be a first-rate essayist, a bold critic who writes about key issues of politics and democracy with learning, style, and power."—Robert A. Dahl, Yale University
"Persuaded by Jeffrey Isaac's argument about dark times, I nonetheless found these essays full of light—strong, lively, provocative, and even, despite themselves, encouraging. There can't be a renewal of democratic theory and practice without the kind of critique that Isaac provides."—Michael Walzer, Institute for Advanced Study
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About Jeffrey C. Isaac
Reviews for Democracy in Dark Times
Eric Gregory
Journal of Religion