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Dorval Brunelle - From World Order to Global Disorder: States, Markets, and Dissent - 9780774813600 - V9780774813600
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From World Order to Global Disorder: States, Markets, and Dissent

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Description for From World Order to Global Disorder: States, Markets, and Dissent Hardback. Demonstrates the profound effect of globalization on relations between the state, civil society, and markets, as well as on collective and individual rights. Translator(s): Howard, Richard. Num Pages: 144 pages. BIC Classification: JFFS; JHBA; JPA. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational. Dimension: 5487 x 3556 x 20. Weight in Grams: 367.

Anti-globalization activism world-wide attests to the tensionsbetween globalization and civil society. To better understand thisfraught relationship, Dorval Brunelle compares two social ordersseparated by a half-century. The post-World War II order entailed abroad vision uniting three complementary objectives – security,justice, and welfare – which were entrusted to a network ofinternational and national institutions. In contrast, globalization,with wealth as its only objective, is undermining and overhauling thevalues and institutions of the previous order, including the UnitedNations and the welfare state.

From World Order to Global Disorder demonstrates theprofound effect of globalization on relations between the state, civilsociety, and markets, as well as ... Read more

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Product Details

Publication date
University of British Columbia Press Canada
Number of pages
Number of Pages
Place of Publication
Vancouver, Canada
Shipping Time
Usually ships in 7 to 11 working days

About Dorval Brunelle
Dorval Brunelle is Professor of Sociology andDirector of the Observatoire des Amériques at the Université du Québecà Montréal (UQAM). He has published extensively, focusing more recentlyon the social dimensions of globalization and market liberalization.Richard Howard has been translating books from theFrench, chiefly in the social sciences, for over three decades.

Reviews for From World Order to Global Disorder: States, Markets, and Dissent
"The French philosopher and activist, Jean Rostand, said: "It is horrible to see everything one detested in the past coming back wearing the colours of the future." Dorval Brunelle's wonderful new book explains how economic globalization has erased the international consensus for justice that emerged out of the horrors of World War II and exposes this new system for the ... Read more

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