International relations
Results 2065 - 2088 of 3620
International relations
Hardcover. Editor(s): Columbus, Alexandra M. Num Pages: 163 pages, Illustrations. BIC Classification: 1H; JPH; JPS; KCM. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational. Dimension: 184 x 259 x 16. Weight in Grams: 490.
- Format
- Hardback
- Publication date
- 2011
- Publisher
- Nova Science Publishers Inc United States
- Number of pages
- 163
- Condition
- New
- V9781613242315
- 9781613242315
Condition: New
€ 248.44€ 168.56
€ 248.44
€ 168.56
Hardcover. Editor(s): Columbus, Frank H. Num Pages: 174 pages, tables & charts. BIC Classification: 1KL; JPS; KCP; KCS. Category: (G) General (US: Trade); (U) Tertiary Education (US: College). Dimension: 258 x 182 x 17. Weight in Grams: 566.
- Format
- Hardback
- Publication date
- 2003
- Publisher
- Nova Science Publishers Inc United States
- Number of pages
- 174
- Condition
- New
- V9781590336199
- 9781590336199
Condition: New
€ 90.77€ 69.63
€ 90.77
€ 69.63
Hardcover. Editor(s): Chin, Felix. Num Pages: 312 pages. BIC Classification: JPS. Category: (G) General (US: Trade). Dimension: 184 x 259 x 22. Weight in Grams: 768.
- Format
- Hardback
- Publication date
- 2012
- Publisher
- Nova Science Publishers Inc United States
- Number of pages
- 312
- Condition
- New
- V9781614704607
- 9781614704607
Condition: New
€ 296.21€ 200.37
€ 296.21
€ 200.37
Paperback. A tour d'horizon of India's political economy over the last fifty years, by a distinguished political scientist. Num Pages: 288 pages. BIC Classification: 1FKA; HBJF; JPH; JPS; KCP. Category: (UP) Postgraduate, Research & Scholarly. Weight in Grams: 500.
- Publisher
- C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd
- Format
- Paperback
- Publication date
- 2017
- Edition
- 1st Edition
- Condition
- New
- V9781849047180
- 9781849047180
Condition: New
€ 33.99€ 31.09
€ 33.99
€ 31.09
Paperback. Drawing on the American political experience, this title reveals how variations in domestic party politics and international power have led presidents from George Washington to Barack Obama to pursue strategies that differ widely in international ambition and cost. Series: Princeton Studies in International History and Politics. Num Pages: 200 pages, 3 line illus. 11 tables. BIC Classification: JPHL; JPS. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational; (U) Tertiary Education (US: College). Dimension: 234 x 156 x 15. Weight in Grams: 302.
- Format
- Paperback
- Publication date
- 2011
- Publisher
- Princeton University Press United States
- Number of pages
- 200
- Condition
- New
- V9780691149585
- 9780691149585
Condition: New
€ 40.99€ 29.20
€ 40.99
€ 29.20
Paperback. Offering a nuanced, historically grounded, and critical perspective, this book presents a multidisciplinary exploration of the growing public controversy over reparations for historical injustices. Editor(s): Torpey, John. Series: World Social Change. Num Pages: 328 pages, bibliography, index. BIC Classification: HBG; JPS; JPVH. Category: (G) General (US: Trade). Dimension: 225 x 151 x 18. Weight in Grams: 415.
- Format
- Paperback
- Publication date
- 2003
- Publisher
- Rowman & Littlefield United States
- Number of pages
- 328
- Condition
- New
- V9780742517998
- 9780742517998
Condition: New
€ 74.75
€ 74.75
Paperback. Num Pages: 208 pages. BIC Classification: JPA; JPS. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational. Dimension: 216 x 135. .
- Publisher
- John Wiley and Sons Ltd
- Format
- Paperback
- Publication date
- 2016
- Edition
- 1st Edition
- Condition
- New
- V9781509507818
- 9781509507818
Condition: New
€ 24.61
€ 24.61
Hardback. Num Pages: 208 pages. BIC Classification: JPA; JPS. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational. Dimension: 216 x 135. .
- Format
- Hardback
- Publication date
- 2016
- Publisher
- John Wiley and Sons Ltd
- Edition
- 1st Edition
- Condition
- New
- V9781509507801
- 9781509507801
Condition: New
€ 73.14
€ 73.14
Paperback. Editor(s): Salter, Mark B. Num Pages: 240 pages, black & white illustrations. BIC Classification: JPS; JPWL; KNGV1. Category: (G) General (US: Trade). Dimension: 226 x 151 x 13. Weight in Grams: 286.
- Format
- Paperback
- Publication date
- 2008
- Publisher
- University of Minnesota Press United States
- Number of pages
- 240
- Condition
- New
- V9780816650156
- 9780816650156
Condition: New
€ 24.99€ 23.03
€ 24.99
€ 23.03
Paperback. Previously published: Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2010. Editor(s): Joseph, William A. Num Pages: 576 pages, black & white illustrations, black & white tables, maps, figures. BIC Classification: 1FPC; JPS; RGCP. Category: (G) General (US: Trade). Dimension: 254 x 180 x 25. Weight in Grams: 980.
- Format
- Paperback
- Publication date
- 2014
- Publisher
- Oxford University Press United Kingdom
- Edition
- 2 Rev ed
- Number of pages
- 576
- Condition
- New
- V9780199339426
- 9780199339426
Condition: New
€ 81.63
€ 81.63
Paperback. Num Pages: 438 pages, maps. BIC Classification: JP. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational. Dimension: 229 x 152 x 26. Weight in Grams: 599. Paperback in very good condition.
- Condition
- Used, Very Good
- Publisher
- Hoover Institution Press,U.S.
- Number of pages
- 454
- Format
- Paperback
- Publication date
- 1991
- Edition
- 2nd
- KIN0006157
- 9780817991227
Condition: Used, Very Good
€ 4.99
€ 4.99
Paperback. An exploration of the formation of the Euro. Focusing attention on who wins and who loses from the Euro's creation, Erik Jones charts the history of this extraordinary project, explains the reasons it developed, and assesses how the controversies surrounding it may evolve in the future. Series: Europe Today. Num Pages: 224 pages, bibliog , index. BIC Classification: 1QFE; JPSN2; KCBM; KCL; KCP. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational; (U) Tertiary Education (US: College). Dimension: 228 x 147 x 12. Weight in Grams: 300.
- Format
- Paperback
- Publication date
- 2002
- Publisher
- Rowman & Littlefield United States
- Number of pages
- 224
- Condition
- New
- V9780847690350
- 9780847690350
Condition: New
€ 67.07
€ 67.07
paperback. As economic and political crises have stretched European social solidarity to the breaking point, this book offers a clear theoretical framework for understanding how everyday culture matters fundamentally in the political life of the EU. Num Pages: 224 pages. BIC Classification: JPA; JPS; JPSN2. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational; (U) Tertiary Education (US: College). Dimension: 157 x 233 x 15. Weight in Grams: 352.
- Format
- Paperback
- Publication date
- 2017
- Publisher
- Oxford University Press United Kingdom
- Edition
- Reprint
- Number of pages
- 224
- Condition
- New
- V9780198779148
- 9780198779148
Condition: New
€ 50.71
€ 50.71
Hardback. Series: Princeton Legacy Library. Num Pages: 452 pages, black & white illustrations. BIC Classification: 3JJP; HBWS; JPS; JPWS; LBBS. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational; (U) Tertiary Education (US: College). Dimension: 235 x 155 x 25. Weight in Grams: 799.
- Format
- Hardback
- Publication date
- 2017
- Publisher
- Princeton University Press United States
- Number of pages
- 452
- Condition
- New
- V9780691648996
- 9780691648996
Condition: New
€ 235.86
€ 235.86
Paperback. Series: Princeton Legacy Library. Num Pages: 452 pages, black & white illustrations. BIC Classification: JPS. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational; (U) Tertiary Education (US: College). Dimension: 235 x 155 x 23. Weight in Grams: 628.
- Format
- Paperback
- Publication date
- 2016
- Publisher
- Princeton University Press United States
- Number of pages
- 452
- Condition
- New
- V9780691622163
- 9780691622163
Condition: New
€ 71.67€ 55.68
€ 71.67
€ 55.68
paperback. Num Pages: 144 pages, Illustrations. BIC Classification: 1KLC; HBJK; JF; JPS; KCL. Category: (G) General (US: Trade). Weight in Grams: 318.
- Format
- Paperback
- Publication date
- 1984
- Publisher
- Monthly Review Press United States
- Edition
- Illustrated
- Number of pages
- 144
- Condition
- New
- V9780853456353
- 9780853456353
Condition: New
€ 15.99€ 14.54
€ 15.99
€ 14.54
Hardback. Series: Princeton Legacy Library. Num Pages: 460 pages, black & white illustrations. BIC Classification: 1FB; 1HB; JHB; JPS. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational; (U) Tertiary Education (US: College). Dimension: 203 x 127 x 25. Weight in Grams: 571.
- Format
- Hardback
- Publication date
- 2017
- Publisher
- Princeton University Press United States
- Number of pages
- 460
- Condition
- New
- V9780691650920
- 9780691650920
Condition: New
€ 234.38
€ 234.38
Hardback. Series: Center for International Studies, New York University. Num Pages: 258 pages, black & white illustrations. BIC Classification: 1D; 1H; JPS; KCA; KCLT. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational; (U) Tertiary Education (US: College). Dimension: 235 x 155 x 16. Weight in Grams: 542.
- Format
- Hardback
- Publication date
- 2017
- Publisher
- Princeton University Press United States
- Number of pages
- 258
- Condition
- New
- V9780691647456
- 9780691647456
Condition: New
€ 138.83
€ 138.83
Paperback. Using the Moyen Bani Programme as an example, External Assistance or External Interference gives an analysis of a grassroots conflict and raises the issue of international NGO activities in rural development activities. This book provides the historical, economic, and political backgrounds that influenced the design and the conflict resolution. Num Pages: 118 pages, Illustrations. BIC Classification: 1HFDM; HBJH; JPS; JPWH; KCP. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational. Dimension: 227 x 150 x 9. Weight in Grams: 216.
- Format
- Paperback
- Publication date
- 2012
- Publisher
- University Press of America United States
- Number of pages
- 118
- Condition
- New
- V9780761856870
- 9780761856870
Condition: New
€ 49.30
€ 49.30
Hardback. Remarkably, most conventional wisdom about the shifting balance of world power virtually ignores one of the most fundamental components of power: population. The studies that do consider international security and demographic trends almost unanimously focus on population growth as a liability. Num Pages: 304 pages, notes; bibliography; index. BIC Classification: JHBD; JPS. Category: (G) General (US: Trade). Dimension: 234 x 161 x 26. Weight in Grams: 528.
- Format
- Hardback
- Publication date
- 2011
- Publisher
- Potomac Books Inc United States
- Number of pages
- 304
- Condition
- New
- Edition
- Illustrated
- V9781597975506
- 9781597975506
Condition: New
€ 37.99€ 33.61
€ 37.99
€ 33.61
Paperback. Portugal was the first European Nation to assert itself aggressively in African affairs. This is a collection of uniquely accessible historical essays, surveys this colonial encounter from its earliest roots. Series: Ohio RIS Africa Series. Num Pages: 216 pages, maps. BIC Classification: 1DSP; 1H; JPS. Category: (G) General (US: Trade). Dimension: 216 x 140 x 458. Weight in Grams: 263.
- Publisher
- Ohio University Press United States
- Number of pages
- 216
- Format
- Paperback
- Publication date
- 2004
- Edition
- 1st Edition
- Condition
- New
- V9780896802377
- 9780896802377
Condition: New
€ 31.99€ 28.83
€ 31.99
€ 28.83
Paperback. Argues that Moscow needs to drop the notion of creating an exclusive power centre out of the post-Soviet space. Dmitri Trenin's vision of Russia is an open Euro-Pacific country that is savvy in its use of soft power and fully reconciled with its former borderlands and dependents. Num Pages: 279 pages, maps. BIC Classification: 1DVUA; JPS. Category: (G) General (US: Trade). Dimension: 227 x 154 x 16. Weight in Grams: 486.
- Format
- Paperback
- Publication date
- 2011
- Publisher
- Carnegie Endowment for Int'l Peace
- Edition
- 50643rd
- Condition
- New
- V9780870032486
- 9780870032486
Condition: New
€ 28.14
€ 28.14
Paperback. The first part of this book examines domestic developments and their influence on Iran's policy and posture. The second explores Iran's regional ambitions and politics. Num Pages: 372 pages, black & white illustrations. BIC Classification: 1FBN; JPH; JPS. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational; (UP) Postgraduate, Research & Scholarly; (UU) Undergraduate. Dimension: 157 x 234 x 20. Weight in Grams: 534.
- Format
- Paperback
- Publication date
- 2001
- Publisher
- Taylor & Francis Ltd United Kingdom
- Number of pages
- 372
- Condition
- New
- V9780714681214
- 9780714681214
Condition: New
€ 71.54
€ 71.54
Hardback. Explores Anglo-American economic diplomacy in South America during the Second World War. This title also explores how relations between Britain and the US in South America were related to the development of the economic landscape of the post-war world - the economic world that we are, to a large extent, living in. Series Editor(s): Marsh, Steve; Dobson, Alan. Series: Edinburgh Studies in Anglo-American Relations. Num Pages: 256 pages. BIC Classification: 1DBK; 1KBB; 1KLS; 3JJH; JPS. Category: (G) General (US: Trade). Dimension: 235 x 164 x 22. Weight in Grams: 594. Anglo-American Economic Diplomacy in South America, 1939-1945. Series: Edinburgh Studies in Anglo-American Relations. 256 pages. Explores Anglo-American economic diplomacy in South America during the Second World War. This title also explores how relations between Britain and the US in South America were related to the development of the economic landscape of the post-war world - the economic world that we are, to a large extent, living in. Cateogry: (G) General (US: Trade). BIC Classification: 1DBK; 1KBB; 1KLS; 3JJH; JPS. Dimension: 235 x 164 x 22. Weight: 592. Series Editor(s) :Marsh, Steve; Dobson, Alan.
- Publisher
- Edinburgh University Press
- Number of pages
- 256
- Format
- Hardback
- Publication date
- 2012
- Edition
- 1st Edition
- Condition
- New
- V9780748643882
- 9780748643882
Condition: New
€ 113.47€ 108.92
€ 113.47
€ 108.92