The Politics of Subjectivity in American Foreign Policy Discourses (Configurations: Critical Studies of World Politics)
Ty Solomon
Why are some discourses more politically efficacious than others? Seeking answers to this question, Ty Solomon develops a new theoretical approach to the study of affect, identity, and discourse—core phenomena whose mutual interweaving have yet to be fully analyzed in International Relations. Drawing upon Jacques Lacan’s psychoanalytic theory and Ernesto Laclau’s approach to hegemonic politics, Solomon argues that prevailing discourses offer subtle but powerfully appealing opportunities for affective investment on the part of audiences.
Through empirical case studies of the affective resonances of the war on terror and the rise and fall of neoconservative influence in American foreign ... Read more
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About Ty Solomon
Reviews for The Politics of Subjectivity in American Foreign Policy Discourses (Configurations: Critical Studies of World Politics)