Prophetic Activism: Progressive Religious Justice Movements in Contemporary America
Helene Slessarev-Jamir
While the links between conservative Christians and politics have been drawn strongly in recent years, coming to embody what many think of as religious activism, the profoundly religious nature of community organizing and other more left-leaning justice work has been largely overlooked. Prophetic Activism is the first broad comparative examination of progressive religious activism in the United States. Set up as a counter-narrative to religious conservatism, the book offers readers a deeper understanding of the richness and diversity of contemporary religious activism.
Helene Slessarev-Jamir offers five case studies of major progressive religious justice movements that have their roots in ... Read more
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About Helene Slessarev-Jamir
Reviews for Prophetic Activism: Progressive Religious Justice Movements in Contemporary America
this is why faithful activism will always be more interesting than a candidates' debate.
Julie Polter
Sojourners Magazine
Prophetic Activism could be called & Groups That Make a Difference, like Sider and Unruh’s Churches That Make a Difference. It stands out because it ... Read more