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Home » Politics » Political ideologies » Late Modernity, Individualization and Socialism: An Associational Critique of Neoliberalism
Late Modernity, Individualization and Socialism: An Associational Critique of Neoliberalism
Matt Dawson
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Description for Late Modernity, Individualization and Socialism: An Associational Critique of Neoliberalism
Hardcover. Influenced most notably by Emile Durkheim and Zygmunt Bauman, Dawson outlines how this long neglected stream of socialist theory can help us more fully understand, and possibly move beyond, the problems of neoliberalism and our conceptions of political individualism. Num Pages: 228 pages, biography. BIC Classification: JHB; JPFF. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational. Dimension: 223 x 137 x 21. Weight in Grams: 400.
Influenced most notably by Émile Durkheim and Zygmunt Bauman, Dawson outlines how this long neglected stream of socialist theory can help us more fully understand, and possibly move beyond, the problems of neoliberalism and our conceptions of political individualism.
Influenced most notably by Émile Durkheim and Zygmunt Bauman, Dawson outlines how this long neglected stream of socialist theory can help us more fully understand, and possibly move beyond, the problems of neoliberalism and our conceptions of political individualism.
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Palgrave Macmillan
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Basingstoke, United Kingdom
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About Matt Dawson
This book examines the intersections between international law and national policies, and nuclear proliferation and disarmament, offering a way out if policy makers of leading countries can summon the vision and political will to move away from the nuclear precipice and ensure humanity's future.
Reviews for Late Modernity, Individualization and Socialism: An Associational Critique of Neoliberalism
an ambitious project insightful and balanced' - Magne Flemmen, Sociology 48(6) JV 4AC7749F-8116-4266-ACB7-A8EEEFE522AF 375991 Electronic Book Text 283365 9780230625242 023062524X American Television on British Screens A Story of Cultural Interaction E.Book American Television on Brit Screens 02/05/2006 05/02/2006 632 Culture and Media Studies - Academic P. Rixon 14452 By (Author) Author Record 1 University of Roehampton, UK British 632 ... Read moreCulture and Media Studies - Academic Scholarly Pal Scholarly E7 - Distributed to Vendors UK1 - Title Pending KNT - Media, information & communication industries; GTC - Communication studies; JFD - Media studies; JFCA - Popular culture PER010030; PER010030 Cultural and Media Studies - Comparative Cultural and Media Studies; Film and Television - Television and Broadcasting; Media, Film and Theater Studies - TV & Broadcasting - Hist & Crit Professional and Scholarly 60.00 115.00 10.1057/9780230625242 314828829 Green PDF EBook 220 sa 2015-06-08 17:31:06.873 All Formats Full Term Copyright List of Tables Acknowledgements Introduction Theories of Cultural Assimilation Re-evaluating British Television History: From I Love Lucy to Desperate Housewives The Economic Rationale: Push and Pull Factors Broadcasters as Active Mediators The Black Art: Scheduling American Programmes The Discourse of Television Critics 'The Next Generation'? Conclusion Bibliography Index This work explores how American programmes have become an important part of British television culture since the 1950's, moving from schedule fillers to cornerstones and 'must see' attractions. The book analyses popular and industrial discourses, the changing roles of such programmes on British screens and interviews with key British broadcasters. 1 Topicality: American programming now dominates UK television, both terrestrial, cable and satellite providers - this is a serious analysis of whether the result is cultural interaction or assimilation 2 Includes new analyses of British television programming and television criticism 3 Includes firsthand interviews with British broadcasters 4 Media Studies departments have strong research interests in television and globalization ' American Television on British Screens offers a breadth of points of investigation, highlighting the many processes involved that shape the meanings of US imports in Britain. It provides valuable overviews of the existing literature and good points of departure to investigate, in more detail, how American programmes are incorporated into British television culture.' - Elke Weissmann, Critical Studies in Television JV 8DCE4F14-B140-4CEE-B966-A8FF4B37BC2F 397700 Hardback 256461 9780333616598 0333616596 Religion in the Soviet Union An Archival Reader Religion Soviet Union:Archiv Reader 28/08/1996 08/28/1996 542 History - Academic F. Corley 1182 By (Author) Author Record 1 former Researcher Keston College 542 History - Academic Scholarly Pal Scholarly V6 - Manufacturing on Demand UK1 - Title Pending JPQB - Central government policies; GBCR - Bibliographies, catalogues, discographies; HBG - General & world history; HRA - Religion: general; 1DVU - Former Soviet Union, USSR (Europe); HBLW - 20th century history: c 1900 to c 2000 HIS037070 History - Russian and East European History General/Trade 137.00 137.00 Green Hardback - ppc (paper over boards) 416 216 138 Millimetres 20 216 Millimetres 138 370 Grams importv 2013-02-25 05:30:10.247 List of Plates - Acknowledgements - A Note on the Translation - Abbreviations - Introduction - Religious Groups in the Soviet Union - Documents: - War Communism and NEP 1917-29 - Stalin's Revolution from Above 1929-41 - The Great Patriotic War 1941-45 - Postwar Stalinism 1945-53 - Nikita Khrushchev and Renewed Persecution 1953-64 - The Brezhnev Years 1964-82 - From Andropov to Gorbachev 1982-91 - Sources - Select Bibliography - Index The Soviet government's attitude to religion in theory and practice is shown in this wide-ranging collection of annotated texts from the newly-opened archives. Included are documents from the KGB, the Central Committee, the Council for Religious Affairs and numerous other official bodies. For the first time in English we see the bureaucrats' own view of how religious believers should be controlled, following the story from the persecutions of the early Soviet years to the openness instituted by Mikhail Gorbachev. JV C7E51AC6-CAC9-4AD6-98F8-A9022E421158 400286 Hardback 259787 9780333751688 033375168X In the Wake of the Balkan Myth Questions of Identity and Modernity In the Wake of the Balkan Myth 26/08/1999 08/26/1999 562 Political Science - Academic D. Norris 8512 By (Author) Author Record 1 Senior Lecturer Department of Slavonic Studies, University of Nottingham 562 Political Science - Academic Scholarly Pal Scholarly V6 - Manufacturing on Demand UK1 - Title Pending JFC - Cultural studies; JP - Politics & government; 1D - Europe Cultural and Media Studies - Cultural and Media History; Politics - Europe: Individual Countries General/Trade 90.00 90.00 110.00 Green Hardback - ppc (paper over boards) 200 216 138 Millimetres 11 216 Millimetres 138 411 Grams importv 2013-06-18 11:50:55.170 List of Maps and Photographs Preface Acknowledgements Pronunciation Guide Constructing the Balkans Textual Representations The Balkans Talk Back Modernity: Urban Culture and the Balkans Representations of City Life Discourses of Identity and Modernity in Times of Crisis Notes Index This book focuses on issues concerning identity in terms of Balkan and non-Balkan cultures, and examines questions of modernity and the ever-present dread of primitivism which is highlighted in certain types of narratives. David A. Norris examines the emergence and development of the term 'Balkan' itself, textual representations of the region, and negative imagery from the perspective of Balkan authors and in Western literature. 1 Topical in view of continuing unrest in former Yugoslavia 2 New slant on Balkan crisis through study of films and novels of the region 3 Explores the West's negative response to the Balkans 4 Discusses Balkan identity and myth of return to primitivism 'Norris is an acute observer of the cultural relationships between the Balkans and the rest of Europe.' - James Pettifer, International Affairs 'This book is extremely valuable as an insight into the ways in which Western observers conceptualise the Balkans and how such conceptualisations become part of local identities. ' - Helen Kambouri, Millennium '...a valuable contribution to the same set of issues, all the more so for reversing widely-held perspectives and shedding light on the Balkan's 'writing back' with much original interpretation, careful and convincing analyses and a sensitivity for textual details.' Zoran Milutinovic, Seer JV 3384F1DA-8EB5-4A81-BE42-A904B0E197E5 672040 Electronic Book Text 568540 9781137001429 1137001429 Employment and Development under Globalization State and Economy in Brazil E.Book MIPES; Employ Develop 24/07/2012 07/24/2012 563 IR and Development - Academic S. Cohn 40076 By (Author) Author Record 1 Professor of Sociology Texas A and M University, USA American 563 IR and Development - Academic International Political Economy Series MIPES Scholarly Pal Scholarly E7 - Distributed to Vendors UK1 - Title Pending GTB - Regional studies; JHBL - Sociology: work & labour; GTF - Development studies POL026000; SOC053000; SOC042000 Politics - Latin American and Caribbean Politics; International Relations - International Political Economy; Development - Political Economy; Latino and Latin American Studies - Politics and Law; Latino and Latin American Studies - Economics; Politics & IR - Political Economy Professional and Scholarly 103192 Development Sociology Book Award 52.50 100.00 Green EPUB EBook 256 22 sa 2015-06-08 17:31:06.873 Words 102617 All Formats 2011-10-19 12:12:00.000 Full Term Copyright Rethinking the State and Development: the Importance of Palliative Development What Would Have Happened if the Government Had Done Nothing O'Connorian Models of Development: How States Literally Build Economic Growth Major Infrastructure and the Larger Economy: The Central Importance of Airports (with Jessica Schuett) How Brazilian Vocational Education Reduces Poverty Even if No One Wants to Hire the Trainees Government Effectiveness in the Face of Debt Why Reducing Taxes For Employers Does Not Raise Employment How Rent and Verticalization Can Reduce Employment Frontier Development as Job Creation With Social Costs When Does Not Being Green Reduce Employment? (with David Watkins) Palliative Development and the Great Theories of the State and Economic Growth Development Strategies in a Post Debt World Cohn lays out a new strategy of how states can produce economic development in poor nations by considering barber shops, beauty parlours, hotels and restaurants in Brazil. Cohn considers the case of nations with budgetary limits that cannot afford to follow the East Asian model, and finds alternative policies that create jobs and reduce poverty. quality and significance of the project The writing in the sample chapters is of a high quality and lucid in nature, clearly stating the conclusions and findings of the research in helpful summary sections at the end of each phase of analysis and research. The research is significant, and represents investigation into areas that thus far have not received much attention in the existing literature. The blending of the micro analysis (which is both of a quantitative and qualitative nature) with macro level theories of O'Connor is innovative and, again, fills a gap in the literature by seeking to critique more mainstream analysis based around the sociology of underdevelopment and developmental state literature. Whilst some of this critique and analysis does not, in my opinion, fully engage with the full breadth and depth of scholarship in this field (see detailed points below), this is something that can be dealt with through revisions by further analysis of the secondary literature. its originality and relation to existing work in the field (does it engage adequately with recent scholarship?) This piece is original, both in its subject matter and the methodology used to analyse it. There are some issues with its engagement with certain areas of the literature which I have detailed in the recommendations for revision section below. structure, organisation and presentation of material The structure and organisation is mostly ok. I personally found it more useful to split the chapterisation up in my head into three main parts: 1 Introduction PART I (ch2-3) Theory PART II (ch4-8) Increasing employment through enhancing 'capital' (variously and well defined/problematised in the sample chapters) PART III (ch9-10) Increasing employment and 'green policies' 11 Conclusion Part III did not sit as well as the rest of the book within the overall structure it seemed to me. There was little mention of the kind of areas that would be covered here in the introductory chapter, and neither of these chapters were submitted in the sample. Whilst I can see how they would fit into the book from the proposal, only a detailed reading of those chapters would determine how well the author has achieved this in terms of the overall structure of the book. Certainly revisions to the introductory chapter would help this along. Presentation was good. The writing style was relaxed and easy to follow, yet professional and well expressed. scope, coverage and breadth of appeal / degree of specialisation This is a specialised monograph piece, with detailed quantitative analysis as well as qualitative research and theoretical considerations. Nevertheless, I feel it would appeal to Latin Americanists in general seeking to augment their own research with good micro data, as well as perhaps more advanced students (Masters and PhD level). Its scope is fairly narrow in the sense that it only covers once country (Brazil) and there is no consideration of wider regional or global implications/trends (at least what I could discern from the proposal and sample chapters). However, this is not really a problem as this is not the focus of the monograph, which instead spends time on theoretical considerations concerning O'Connor vs. developmental statists. Furthermore, the fact that the case study is Brazil broadens the appeal due to Brazil's status as a popular country of study (especially given its BRIC status). timeliness and likely shelf-life of the research The detailed and up to date nature of the research means that this piece is contemporary. The revivial of state intervention in the economy in the post global crisis period, and the way in which this book challenges some of the preconceptions in the literature regarding how this is best achieved makes the piece timely. recommendations for revision are these fundamental to the project's success or local points / discretionary matters which might be addressed after the project has been accepted? (in no particular order!) 1) The critique of the developmental statists, whist potentially valid, does not cover a range of theorists. Whilst individuals such as Amsden and Chang are mentioned, their scholarship is not seriously engaged with in any detail. Nor are other very important theorists such as Johnson, Wade, Deyo, Woo-Cummings (Meredith and Bruce) considered. Furthermore, some of the recent (21st Century) literature on this subject could be useful to engage with and has taken the developmental state literature forward. For example, Ben Fine, Linda Weiss, and Ha-Joon Chang (who has written a lot on this subject and from what I could tell only one or two of his works had been engaged with in the introduction). As the theoretical cornerstone of the book is rejecting their approach in favour of O'Connor I feel that the main thesis of the book would benefit on a scholarly level with greater analysis of these works. 2) Another area that is critiqued and rejected is the dependency school, but the book only really cites Frank. The works of Cardoso are rarely mentioned, and the likes of Faletto or Sunkel are ignored. Full engagement with this literature would strengthen the piece. 3) Pp.52-55 discusses the role of infrastructure in development. Again, fuller engagement with some of the literature that discusses this in relation to the developmental states of East Asia could be useful especially given the stated objectives in the proposal. Therefore, work by people such as Krugman and Stiglitz on Incremental Capital Output Ratio's and productivity in East Asian developmental states in relation to the Asian Financial Crisis and post-crisis period could be relevant here to further critique the belief that more infrastructure is always good for development. 4) The methodology is good (quant./qual. Mix), but is not really discussed in the introduction. I think a section discussing specifically how the two will be used to analsyse the theoretical focus of the piece could be useful to the reader. 5) Some issues with the structure and chapterisation as discussed in a previous section above. likely copyeditorial requirements should the project be accepted for publication (please highlight any problems relating to accuracy of citation, style and presentation, reference system etc) The chapters as they were sent to me did not conform to all of Palgrave's editorial norms, but this is something that can easily be fixed through further drafting. RECOMMENDATION: PUBLISH WITH REVISION (the recommendations for revision above are related more to structure and the secondary literature and therefore could be done in a relatively short space of time). Strong demand for titles on Latin American economy, in particular Brazil Previous analyses use East Asian cases rather than Latin America Identifies effective development strategies for states with debt constraints and limited technological capacity Includes case studies on hotels, restaurants, and barber/beauty shops, so combines academic analysis with practical cases Uses innovative statistical methodology JV FFB22F02-E291-480F-92FD-A926C665D212 394467 Electronic Book Text 302734 9780312299262 0312299265 Penitentiaries, Reformatories, and Chain Gangs Social Theory and the History of Punishment in Nineteenth Century America E.Book Penitentiaries, Reformatories, and 15/08/1997 08/15/1997 55A Sociology - USA Academic M. Colvin 55A Sociology - USA Academic US Domestic Pal Scholarly E7 - Distributed to Vendors E7 - Distributed to Vendors 3JH - c 1800 to c 1900; HBJK - History of the Americas; HBTB - Social & cultural history; JKVP - Penology & punishment; 1KBB - USA; HBLL - Modern history to 20th century: c 1700 to c 1900 HIS000000; SOC030000; HIS036040 Sociology - Backlist; Sociology - Urban, Community and Housing Studies; Sociology - Criminology and Socio-legal Studies Professional and Scholarly 25.83 50.00 10.1057/9780312299262 314989313 Green PDF EBook 306 0 sa 2015-06-08 17:31:06.873 Introduction - Rival Theories of the Transformation of Punishment Systems and Penal Practices - The Rise and Consolidation of the Penitentiary in the Northeast - From Colonies to Early Republic: The Rise of the Penitentiary - Market Revolution and the Consolidation of the Two: Transformation of the Gender Roles and the Punishment of Women Offenders in the North - Before the Civil War: 'True Womanhood' and the 'Depraved' Female Offender - Purity Crusade, Progressivism, and the Development of Woman's Reformatories: Civil War to 1920 - Applying Theories to the Transformation of the Punishment of Women Offenders - Case Study Three: The Transformation of Criminal Punishment in the South - From Slavery to Reconstruction: Penitentiaries and Chain Gangs - Redemption and the New South: Convict Leasing and Lynching - Applying Theories to the Transformation of Punishment in the South - Conclusion: Nineteenth-Century Legacies: Understanding Today's Corrections System - Index The very definition of punishment in America has been subject to a variety of changes, and has served as the basis for much debate over the course of America's history. In Penitentiaries, Reformatories, Chain Gangs , Mark Colvin tackles the subject of penal change in America by examining three case studies which represent shifts in the interpretation of punishment specifically during the nineteenth century: the rise of penitentiaries in the Northeast; the changes in the treatment of women offenders in the North; and the transformation of punishment in the South after the Civil War. Colvin uses these case studies to apply four theoretical explanations of penal change, shedding light on both the history of penal authority and the current state of the system today. An engrossing and highly relevant volume, Penitentiaries, Reformatories, Chain Gangs is a comprehensive investigation of punishment and its meaning past and present. JV 51E767A4-4560-4315-B088-A93D62618547 375993 Electronic Book Text 283410 9780230625693 023062569X A Black British Canon? E.Book Black British Canon 31/10/2006 10/31/2006 512 Literature - Academic G. Low; M. Wynne-Davies 6115 Edited By Author Record 2 Reader in English University of Dundee, UK 512 Literature - Academic Scholarly Pal Scholarly E7 - Distributed to Vendors UK1 - Title Pending DSK - Literary studies: fiction, novelists & prose writers; DD - Plays, playscripts; JFSL3 - Black & Asian studies; DSBH - Literary studies: from c 1900 - LIT004120; LIT004120 Literature and Language - British & Irish Literature; Literature and Language - World /Postcolonial Lit.; Literature - World Literatures; Literature - Cultural Theory Professional and Scholarly 56.67 100.00 10.1057/9780230625693 314847237 Green PDF EBook 256 sa 2015-06-08 17:31:06.873 All Formats Full Term Copyright List of Illustrations Acknowledgements Notes on Contributors Introduction: G.Low & M.Wynne-Davies Foreword: Migration, Modernity and English Writing: Reflections on Migrant Identity and Canon Formation; M.Phillips PART I: INTERROGATING THE CANON 'The Ghost of Other Stories': Salman Rushdie and a Black British Canon?; J.Procter Not Good Enough or Not Man Enough?: Beryl Gilroy as the Anomaly in the Evolving 'Black British Canon'; S.Courtman In the Eyes of the Beholder: Diversity and the Cultural Politics of Canon Re-Formation in Britain; F.Folorunso in conversation with G.Low & M.Wynne-Davies PART II: NEW LANGUAGES OF CRITICISM Fantasy Relationships: Black British Canons in a Transnational World; J.McLeod 'New Forms': Towards a Critical Dialogue with Black British 'Popular' Fictions; A.Wood PART III: GENEALOGIES AND INTERVENTIONS Texts of Cultural Practice: Black Theatre and Performance in the UK; M.McMillan Canon Questions: Art in 'Black Britain'; L.R.Wainwright 'Sharing Connections': From West Indian to Black British; G.Low Afterword: In Praise of a Black British Canon and the Possibilities of Representing the Nation 'Otherwise'; A.Donnell Index This much-needed collection examines the formation of a black British canon including writers, dramatists, film-makers and artists. Contributors including John McLeod, Michael McMillan, Mike Phillips and Alison Donnell discuss the textual, political and cultural history of black British and the term 'black British' itself. 1 Examines the formation of a black British canon including writers, dramatists, film-makers and artists 2 Black British studies is receiving increasing attention in both academic and non-academic circles 3 Provides an overview of the current state of black British writing and usefully points forward to future developments 4 Addresses the distinctiveness of the subject area - particularly its interdisciplinary and generic cross-fertilizations 5 Includes a Foreword from the noted academic and writer Mike Phillips and an Afterword by a key scholar in the field, Alison Donnell SANDRA COURTMAN Senior Lecturer in English Literature, Staffordshire University, UK ALISON DONNELL Senior Lecturer in Postcolonial Literatures, Nottingham Trent University, UK FEMI FOLORUNSO Arts Development Officer, Scottish Arts Council, Edinburgh, UK JOHN MCLEOD Lecturer in English, University of Leeds, UK MICHAEL MCMILLAN Playwright (TV and theatre) and Academic Writer MIKE PHILLIPS Academic, Writer, Broadcaster, Journalist, Critic and award-winning Crime Writer; also Cross-Cultural Curator at the Tate Gallery, London JAMES PROCTER Lecturer in English Studies, University of Stirling, UK LEON R. WAINWRIGHT Research Fellow in Art History, University of Sussex, UK ANDY WOOD Currently completing Doctoral dissertation on Black British Culture, University of Dundee, UK JV 51E767A4-4560-4315-B088-A93D62618547 375993 Electronic Book Text 283410 9780230625693 023062569X A Black British Canon? E.Book Black British Canon 31/10/2006 10/31/2006 512 Literature - Academic G. Low; M. Wynne-Davies 14445 Edited By Author Record 1 Lecturer Department of English, University of Dundee, UK 512 Literature - Academic Scholarly Pal Scholarly E7 - Distributed to Vendors UK1 - Title Pending DSK - Literary studies: fiction, novelists & prose writers; DD - Plays, playscripts; JFSL3 - Black & Asian studies; DSBH - Literary studies: from c 1900 - LIT004120; LIT004120 Literature and Language - British & Irish Literature; Literature and Language - World /Postcolonial Lit.; Literature - World Literatures; Literature - Cultural Theory Professional and Scholarly 56.67 100.00 10.1057/9780230625693 314847237 Green PDF EBook 256 sa 2015-06-08 17:31:06.873 All Formats Full Term Copyright List of Illustrations Acknowledgements Notes on Contributors Introduction: G.Low & M.Wynne-Davies Foreword: Migration, Modernity and English Writing: Reflections on Migrant Identity and Canon Formation; M.Phillips PART I: INTERROGATING THE CANON 'The Ghost of Other Stories': Salman Rushdie and a Black British Canon?; J.Procter Not Good Enough or Not Man Enough?: Beryl Gilroy as the Anomaly in the Evolving 'Black British Canon'; S.Courtman In the Eyes of the Beholder: Diversity and the Cultural Politics of Canon Re-Formation in Britain; F.Folorunso in conversation with G.Low & M.Wynne-Davies PART II: NEW LANGUAGES OF CRITICISM Fantasy Relationships: Black British Canons in a Transnational World; J.McLeod 'New Forms': Towards a Critical Dialogue with Black British 'Popular' Fictions; A.Wood PART III: GENEALOGIES AND INTERVENTIONS Texts of Cultural Practice: Black Theatre and Performance in the UK; M.McMillan Canon Questions: Art in 'Black Britain'; L.R.Wainwright 'Sharing Connections': From West Indian to Black British; G.Low Afterword: In Praise of a Black British Canon and the Possibilities of Representing the Nation 'Otherwise'; A.Donnell Index This much-needed collection examines the formation of a black British canon including writers, dramatists, film-makers and artists. Contributors including John McLeod, Michael McMillan, Mike Phillips and Alison Donnell discuss the textual, political and cultural history of black British and the term 'black British' itself. 1 Examines the formation of a black British canon including writers, dramatists, film-makers and artists 2 Black British studies is receiving increasing attention in both academic and non-academic circles 3 Provides an overview of the current state of black British writing and usefully points forward to future developments 4 Addresses the distinctiveness of the subject area - particularly its interdisciplinary and generic cross-fertilizations 5 Includes a Foreword from the noted academic and writer Mike Phillips and an Afterword by a key scholar in the field, Alison Donnell SANDRA COURTMAN Senior Lecturer in English Literature, Staffordshire University, UK ALISON DONNELL Senior Lecturer in Postcolonial Literatures, Nottingham Trent University, UK FEMI FOLORUNSO Arts Development Officer, Scottish Arts Council, Edinburgh, UK JOHN MCLEOD Lecturer in English, University of Leeds, UK MICHAEL MCMILLAN Playwright (TV and theatre) and Academic Writer MIKE PHILLIPS Academic, Writer, Broadcaster, Journalist, Critic and award-winning Crime Writer; also Cross-Cultural Curator at the Tate Gallery, London JAMES PROCTER Lecturer in English Studies, University of Stirling, UK LEON R. WAINWRIGHT Research Fellow in Art History, University of Sussex, UK ANDY WOOD Currently completing Doctoral dissertation on Black British Culture, University of Dundee, UK JV 1DB15AB3-E42F-4277-9738-A9403A520D8C 524943 Hardback 391714 9780230622784 023062278X Politics of Social Change in Ghana The Konkomba Struggle for Political Equality Politics of Social Change in Ghana 10/02/2010 02/10/2010 56A Politics - USA Academic B. Talton 26402 By (Author) Author Record 1 56A Politics - USA Academic US Domestic Pal Scholarly V6 - Manufacturing on Demand V2 - Published and in Stock 1H - Africa; HBJH - African history; JPVR - Political oppression & persecution; HBLW - 20th century history: c 1900 to c 2000 HIS001050; POL045000; POL035000 African Studies - African History; African Studies - African Sociology; African Studies - Afircan Politics and Law Professional and Scholarly 69.00 69.00 110.00 E-royalty: 0% net + escalator; 0% net d2c Green Hardback with jacket (jacketed cloth) 256 0 210 140 Millimetres 13 234 Millimetres 156 245 Grams sa 2015-03-28 07:21:06.750 Words Introduction: Power and Social Change in Africa 'Their Power Will Be Uniformly Supported' - The Politics of Historical Memory in Northern Ghana 'This Wild but Interesting Tribe' - Konkomba Feuds and Obstacles to British Rule 'A Festering Sore on an Otherwise Healthy Administrative Body' - Konkomba Political Agency and British Authority 'Down with Black Imperialism in the North!' - Education, Local Politics and Self-Help Initiatives 'That All Konkombas Should Henceforth Unite' - Ethnic Politics and the Use of Violence in Northern Ghana 'We Even Dance Together' - Social Relations in Post-Conflict Northern Ghana Bibliography With Ghana's colonial and postcolonial politics as a backdrop, this book explores the ways in which historically marginalized communities have defined and redefined themselves to protect their interests and compete politically and economically with neighbouring ethnic groups. While most studies rarely touch on the necessary historical context, the present work provides the deep insights that can help explain not only the violence that the Konkomba perpetuated but also the recent outbreaks of ethnic violence in African states that were held up as the models of modernity This text uses a compelling array of primary sources and interviews to create a fully-fleshed out picture of the Konkomba tribe The issues that Talton's raises about the ramifications of the post-colonial political structure in Ghana can be seen throughout Africa The book s strengths are its relevance for understanding broader colonial Africa and its array of primary, especially archival, sources, backed by an impressive list of secondary sources. These focus on colonial and independent Ghana but include literature from many parts of Africa as well as the classics of African studies. Recommended." - CHOICE "What might a conflict, sparked by the sale of a guinea fowl in a fairly remote corner of Ghana in 1994, tell us about identity and politics in a rapidly globalizing, post-colonial world?Talton s Politics of Social Change in Ghana is one of only a handful of works in African Studies to expertly demonstrate the centrality of the local to understanding power and political consciousness in our globalizing world. It provides fresh insight into debates on tradition, religion, ethnicity, and political mobilization, while making sense of the horrific communal violence that has devastated the social fabric of parts of Northern Ghana for the past three decades." - Jean Allman, J.H. Hexter... Show Less