Nationalism Liberalism V1
Ernst B. Haas
Has global liberalism made the nation-state obsolete? Or, on the contrary, are primordial nationalist hatreds overwhelming cosmopolitanism? To assert either theme without serious qualification, according to Ernst B. Haas, is historically simplistic and morally misleading.
Haas describes nationalism as a key component of modernity and a crucial instrument for making sense of impersonal, rapidly changing, and heterogeneous societies. He characterizes nationalism as a feeling of collective identity, a mutual understanding experienced among people who may never meet but who are persuaded that they belong to a community of kindred spirits. Without nationalism, there could be no large integrated state.
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About Ernst B. Haas
Reviews for Nationalism Liberalism V1
John A. Armstrong
American Journal of Sociology
Haas's central argument is that liberal nationalism is more likely than the other variants 'to bring about the conditions that raise their societies from the premodern to the formally rationalized.'... An ambitious ... Read more