The Party of Order. The Conservatives, the State, and Slavery in the Brazilian Monarchy, 1831-1871.
Jeffrey D. Needell
This study analyzes Brazil's monarchy, which adapted European ideas and practices to a creole plantation society that was traditionally based on African slavery. It focuses upon the Conservatives, who represented the sugar and coffee elites in reconstructing the new nation's state as a strong, representative, constitutional monarchy in troubled times. After the monarch himself assumed power, however, his views undercut parliamentary and party government, which were also sapped by regional differences and the pressure for state patronage. Increasingly, the emperor and his cabinets used state patronage and state authority to dominate politics. When the emperor decided upon gradualist abolition, Conservatives ... Read more
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About Jeffrey D. Needell
Reviews for The Party of Order. The Conservatives, the State, and Slavery in the Brazilian Monarchy, 1831-1871.