The Three Pillars of Liberty: Political Rights and Freedoms in the United Kingdom: Political Rights and Freedom in the United Kingdom (Democratic Audit of the United Kingdom)
Francesca Klug
In this landmark study, a thorough audit of British compliance with international human rights standards is carried out. The book identifies 42 violations and 22 near-violationsor causes for concern. It provides an up-to-date description of law and practice withrespect to freedom of information; freedom of expression; freedom of assembly and publicprotest; freedom of association and trade unionism; state surveillance; the right to lifeand liberty; and the right to vote and stand in elections.
This study measures political freedom in the United Kingdom specifically against aunique Human Rights Index, specially constructed from international human rightslaws and jurisprudence by the authors. The Index ... Read more
The Three Pillars of Liberty is the first-ever analysis of both the political and legalsystems for securing political freedom in the UK as a whole. It is the most rigorous andsystematic review of those systems yet published—and finds them wanting. It strikes atthe heart of the historic traditions of government and the rule of law in this country.This book will be essential reading for all those interested in their rights and the rightsof others.
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About Francesca Klug
Reviews for The Three Pillars of Liberty: Political Rights and Freedoms in the United Kingdom: Political Rights and Freedom in the United Kingdom (Democratic Audit of the United Kingdom)