Time-Saver Standards for Interior Design and Space Planning, Second Edition
Joseph Dechiara
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The "Silver Bible" -- thoroughly revised, updated and redesigned
Interior designers, architects, and other design professionals can still turn to the field’s beloved "Silver Bible" for a wealth of information related to the design and planning of residential and commercial interiors. But now, Time-Saver Standards for Interior Design and Space Planning, Second Edition goes even further to truly make the classic interior design reference the standard in its field.
From standard ... Read more
You get a wide range of typical layouts and residential spaces, offices, conference rooms, and reception areas, in addition to details of bars, restaurants, and public toilets. This exciting new edition includes new international examples and metrification – and provides you with full coverage of healthcare spaces, educational spaces; home offices; videoconferencing spaces; green design; project forms and schedules. Two outstanding sections cover historic styles and woodworking.
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About Joseph Dechiara
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