Protozoa and Human Disease
Mark F Wiser
The VitalBook e-book version of Protozoa and Human Disease is only available in the US and Canada at the present time. To purchase or rent please visit http://store.vitalsource.com/show/978-1-1367-3816-6.
Protozoa and Human Disease is a textbook on medically important protozoa and the diseases they cause for advanced undergraduate students, graduate students, and professionals. It combines a taxonomic and medical approach and is therefore suitable for a parasitology, microbiology, medical, and public health readership. In addition to the basics such as morphological features, life cycles, and the clinical manifestations of the diseases, topics like the molecular and immunological basis of pathogenesis, metabolic pathways, ... Read more
Life Cycles and Distribution.
Host-Parasite Interactions.
Molecular and Immunological Basis of Pathogenesis.
Transmission, Control, and Epidemiology.
Drug Action and Resistance.
Clinical Manifestation, Diagnosis and Treatment.
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About Mark F Wiser
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