An Introduction to Homological Algebra
Joseph J. Rotman
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Graduate mathematics students will find this book an easy-to-follow, step-by-step guide to the subject. Rotman's book gives a treatment of homological algebra which approaches the subject in terms of its origins in algebraic topology. In this new edition the book has been updated and revised throughout and new material on sheaves and cup products has been added. The author has also included material about homotopical algebra, alias K-theory. Learning homological algebra is a two-stage affair. First, one must learn the language of Ext and Tor. Second, one must be able to compute these things with spectral sequences. Here is a ... Read more
Graduate mathematics students will find this book an easy-to-follow, step-by-step guide to the subject. Rotman's book gives a treatment of homological algebra which approaches the subject in terms of its origins in algebraic topology. In this new edition the book has been updated and revised throughout and new material on sheaves and cup products has been added. The author has also included material about homotopical algebra, alias K-theory. Learning homological algebra is a two-stage affair. First, one must learn the language of Ext and Tor. Second, one must be able to compute these things with spectral sequences. Here is a ... Read more
Product Details
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. United States
Number of pages
Publication date
Number of Pages
Place of Publication
New York, NY, United States
Shipping Time
Usually ships in 4 to 8 working days
Reviews for An Introduction to Homological Algebra
From the reviews of the second edition: Joseph J. Rotman is a renowned textbook author in contemporary mathematics. Over the past four decades, he has published numerous successful texts of introductory character, mainly in the field of modern abstract algebra and its related disciplines. ... Now, in the current second edition, the ... Read more