Biology, life sciences
Results 4009 - 4032 of 4908
Biology, life sciences
Paperback. .
- Publisher
- Taylor & Francis Inc
- Number of pages
- 260
- Format
- Paperback
- Publication date
- 2013
- Edition
- 2nd Edition
- Condition
- New
- V9780815344728
- 9780815344728
Condition: New
€ 100.92
€ 100.92
Paperback. Coming 30 years after publication of Richard Byrne's seminal book The Thinking Ape, Evolving Insight develops a new theory of the evolutionary origins of our human ability to understand the world of objects and other people. In a clear and accessible style, the book reviews the evidence for insight in the cognition of animals. Num Pages: 304 pages. BIC Classification: HPM; JMR; PSAJ; PSVP. Category: (U) Tertiary Education (US: College). Dimension: 234 x 156. .
- Format
- Paperback
- Publication date
- 2016
- Publisher
- Oxford University Press United Kingdom
- Edition
- 1st Edition
- Number of pages
- 304
- Condition
- New
- V9780198757078
- 9780198757078
Condition: New
€ 73.45
€ 73.45
hardcover. An advanced textbook adopting a theoretical modeling approach to review and discuss the current range and distributions of alien species, their rates of spread, and their impact in human-dominated ecosystems. Num Pages: 336 pages. BIC Classification: PBWH; PSVS; RNCB. Category: (UP) Postgraduate, Research & Scholarly. Dimension: 248 x 196 x 22. Weight in Grams: 910.
- Format
- Hardback
- Publication date
- 2016
- Publisher
- Academic United Kingdom
- Number of pages
- 336
- Condition
- New
- V9780198745334
- 9780198745334
Condition: New
€ 180.56
€ 180.56
Paperback. The first edition of this successful reader brought together key readings in the area of developmental cognitive neuroscience for students. Now updated in order to keep up with this fast moving field, the volume includes new readings illustrating recent developments along with updated versions of previous contributions. Editor(s): Johnson, Mark H.; Munakata, Yuko; Gilmore, Rick O. Num Pages: 560 pages, 112. BIC Classification: JMAQ; JMR; MJN; PSAN. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational; (UP) Postgraduate, Research & Scholarly; (UU) Undergraduate. Dimension: 255 x 179 x 32. Weight in Grams: 1042.
- Format
- Paperback
- Publication date
- 2002
- Publisher
- John Wiley and Sons Ltd United Kingdom
- Edition
- 2nd Edition
- Number of pages
- 560
- Condition
- New
- V9780631217374
- 9780631217374
Condition: New
€ 79.44
€ 79.44
Paperback. Num Pages: 48 pages, colour illustrations. BIC Classification: PSPM; PST; PSV. Category: (G) General (US: Trade); (UU) Undergraduate. Dimension: 126 x 90 x 2. Weight in Grams: 104.
- Format
- Paperback
- Publication date
- 1987
- Publisher
- Hancock House Publishers Ltd ,Canada Canada
- Number of pages
- 48
- Condition
- New
- V9780888392015
- 9780888392015
Condition: New
€ 11.99€ 10.31
€ 11.99
€ 10.31
Paperback. Editor(s): Riewe, Rick; Oakes, Jill. Series: Occasional Publications Series. Num Pages: 120 pages. BIC Classification: PS; RNPG. Category: (G) General (US: Trade). Dimension: 282 x 216 x 10. Weight in Grams: 340.
- Format
- Paperback
- Publication date
- 1994
- Publisher
- CCI Press
- Condition
- New
- V9780919058897
- 9780919058897
Condition: New
€ 21.99€ 17.14
€ 21.99
€ 17.14
Paperback. Num Pages: 206 pages, 21 black & white tables. BIC Classification: MBDC; MFN; PSAK; PSX. Category: (U) Tertiary Education (US: College); (UP) Postgraduate, Research & Scholarly; (UU) Undergraduate. Dimension: 131 x 199 x 14. Weight in Grams: 232.
- Publisher
- Taylor & Francis Ltd
- Format
- Paperback
- Publication date
- 2016
- Edition
- 2nd Edition
- Condition
- New
- V9781138668010
- 9781138668010
Condition: New
€ 34.61
€ 34.61
Hardback. Num Pages: 103 pages. BIC Classification: MFC; PSB; PSD; PSF. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational. Dimension: 276 x 238 x 15. Weight in Grams: 392.
- Format
- Hardback
- Publication date
- 2015
- Publisher
- Nova Science Publishers Inc
- Edition
- 1st Edition
- Condition
- New
- V9781634828390
- 9781634828390
Condition: New
€ 191.10€ 143.12
€ 191.10
€ 143.12
Paperback. After several million years of jostling for ecological space, only one survivor from a host of hominid species remains standing: us. Human beings are extraordinary creatures, and it is the unprecedented human brain that makes them so. This book presents step-by-step account of the evolution of the brain and nervous system. Illustrator(s): Wynne, Patricia J. Num Pages: 368 pages, 68 b/w illustrations. BIC Classification: PDX; PSAJ; PSAN. Category: (G) General (US: Trade). Dimension: 221 x 165 x 23. Weight in Grams: 546.
- Format
- Paperback
- Publication date
- 2014
- Publisher
- Yale University Press
- Condition
- New
- V9780300205725
- 9780300205725
Condition: New
€ 23.99€ 18.02
€ 23.99
€ 18.02
Paperback. When did the first humans arrive in Britain? Where did they come from? And what did they look like? This is the amazing story of human life in Britain. It begins nearly one million years ago, during the earliest known human occupation, and reveals how humans have periodically lived there ever since. Num Pages: 192 pages, illustrations. BIC Classification: 1DBK; PSXE; WN. Category: (G) General (US: Trade). Dimension: 176 x 230 x 11. Weight in Grams: 438.
- Publisher
- Format
- Paperback
- Publication date
- 2014
- Condition
- New
- V9780565093372
- 9780565093372
Condition: New
€ 19.99€ 15.30
€ 19.99
€ 15.30
Hardcover. All systems produce waste as part of a cycle - bacteria, humans, combustion engines, even one as large and complex as a city. To some extent, this waste can be absorbed, processed, or recycled - though never completely. This book reveals how a long history of human consumption has left our world drowning in waste. Num Pages: 360 pages, 9 line drawings. BIC Classification: PSAF; RN. Category: (G) General (US: Trade). Dimension: 161 x 235 x 25. Weight in Grams: 626. How Our Consumption Challenges the Planet. 360 pages, 9 line drawings. All systems produce waste as part of a cycle - bacteria, humans, combustion engines, even one as large and complex as a city. To some extent, this waste can be absorbed, processed, or recycled - though never completely. This book reveals how a long history of human consumption has left our world drowning in waste. Cateogry: (G) General (US: Trade). BIC Classification: PSAF; RN. Dimension: 161 x 235 x 25. Weight: 626.
- Format
- Hardback
- Publication date
- 2012
- Publisher
- University Of Chicago Press
- Edition
- First Edition
- Number of pages
- 360
- Condition
- New
- V9780226326993
- 9780226326993
Condition: New
€ 35.99€ 27.98
€ 35.99
€ 27.98
Paperback. Num Pages: 1057 pages, 742 colour illustrations, 700 colour tables. BIC Classification: PSF. Category: (UP) Postgraduate, Research & Scholarly. Dimension: 273 x 213 x 36. Weight in Grams: 2156.
- Publisher
- Taylor & Francis Inc
- Number of pages
- 1057
- Format
- Paperback
- Publication date
- 2012
- Edition
- 2nd Edition
- Condition
- New
- V9780815344506
- 9780815344506
Condition: New
€ 114.93
€ 114.93
Hardback. Editor(s): Weissert, Robert. Series: Methods in Molecular Biology. Num Pages: 243 pages, 19 black & white illustrations, 18 colour illustrations, 20 black & white tables, biograp. BIC Classification: MJN; PSD. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational. Dimension: 254 x 178 x 18. Weight in Grams: 717.
- Format
- Hardback
- Publication date
- 2015
- Publisher
- Humana Press Inc. United States
- Number of pages
- 243
- Condition
- New
- V9781493926299
- 9781493926299
Condition: New
€ 135.79
€ 135.79
Hardcover. Rapid-Equilibrium Enzyme Kinetics helps readers emphasize the estimation of kinetic parameters with the minimum number of velocity measurements, thereby reducing the amount of laboratory work necessary, and allowing more time for the consideration of complicated mechanisms. Series: Methods of Biochemical Analysis. Num Pages: 456 pages, Illustrations. BIC Classification: PN; PS. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational. Dimension: 287 x 220 x 30. Weight in Grams: 1388.
- Format
- Hardback
- Publication date
- 2011
- Publisher
- John Wiley & Sons Inc United Kingdom
- Edition
- 1st Edition
- Number of pages
- 456
- Condition
- New
- V9780470639320
- 9780470639320
Condition: New
€ 204.15
€ 204.15
Hardcover. This practical, up-to-date survey is designed for a broad spectrum of biological and chemical scientists who are beginning to delve into modern enzymology. Enzymes, Second Edition explains the structural complexities of proteins and enzymes and the mechanisms by which enzymes perform their catalytic functions. Num Pages: 416 pages, illustrations. BIC Classification: PSBZ. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational; (UP) Postgraduate, Research & Scholarly; (UU) Undergraduate. Dimension: 244 x 165 x 28. Weight in Grams: 754.
- Format
- Hardback
- Publication date
- 2000
- Publisher
- John Wiley and Sons Ltd United States
- Edition
- 2nd Edition
- Number of pages
- 416
- Condition
- New
- V9780471359296
- 9780471359296
Condition: New
€ 210.76
€ 210.76
Paperback. Num Pages: 192 pages, 18 illustrations, 1 map. BIC Classification: 1KBB; PSAF; WN. Category: (G) General (US: Trade). Dimension: 153 x 230 x 13. Weight in Grams: 320.
- Format
- Paperback
- Publication date
- 1994
- Publisher
- Tidewater Pub
- Condition
- New
- V9780870334672
- 9780870334672
Condition: New
€ 18.99€ 14.28
€ 18.99
€ 14.28
Hardcover. The newfound stability of carbenes has led to their development as catalysts and ligands for metal complexes of vast potential, including biomolecule labeling and surface modification of materials. Series: Wiley Series of Reactive Intermediates in Chemistry and Biology. Num Pages: 592 pages, illustrations. BIC Classification: PNN; PS. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational. Dimension: 166 x 237 x 37. Weight in Grams: 996.
- Publisher
- John Wiley & Sons Inc United States
- Number of pages
- 592
- Format
- Hardback
- Publication date
- 2013
- Edition
- 1st Edition
- Condition
- New
- V9781118237953
- 9781118237953
Condition: New
€ 185.06
€ 185.06
Hardcover. .
- Publisher
- Elsevier Science Publishing Co Inc United States
- Number of pages
- 596
- Format
- Hardback
- Publication date
- 2005
- Edition
- 1st Edition
- Condition
- New
- V9780120884261
- 9780120884261
Condition: New
€ 117.40
€ 117.40
Hardback. Proposes a solution to a fundamental debate in contemporary ethnography: the source of ethnographic authority. The author advocates the method of reflexive analysis as a way of making ethnography a more scientific endeavor. He challenges standards of ethnographic practice in data collection, analysis and presentation. Num Pages: 296 pages, bibliography, index. BIC Classification: JHMP; PSX. Category: (G) General (US: Trade). Dimension: 236 x 159 x 24. Weight in Grams: 590.
- Format
- Hardback
- Publication date
- 2003
- Publisher
- AltaMira Press,U.S. United States
- Number of pages
- 296
- Condition
- New
- V9780759102743
- 9780759102743
Condition: New
€ 162.89
€ 162.89
Paperback. Proposes a solution to a fundamental debate in contemporary ethnography: the source of ethnographic authority. The author advocates the method of reflexive analysis as a way of making ethnography a more scientific endeavor. He challenges standards of ethnographic practice in data collection, analysis and presentation. Num Pages: 296 pages, bibliography, index. BIC Classification: JHMP; PSX. Category: (G) General (US: Trade). Dimension: 229 x 150 x 18. Weight in Grams: 454.
- Format
- Paperback
- Publication date
- 2003
- Publisher
- AltaMira Press,U.S. United States
- Number of pages
- 296
- Condition
- New
- V9780759102750
- 9780759102750
Condition: New
€ 68.11
€ 68.11
Paperback. Prehistoric settlements Num Pages: 176 pages, 100ill. BIC Classification: 1DBK; 3D; HDD; PSXE. Category: (G) General (US: Trade). Dimension: 174 x 263 x 14. Weight in Grams: 462.
- Publisher
- The History Press Ltd
- Format
- Paperback
- Publication date
- 2003
- Edition
- UK ed.
- Condition
- New
- V9780752425474
- 9780752425474
Condition: New
€ 33.99€ 24.60
€ 33.99
€ 24.60
Paperback. Cannabis has long been prized for the strong and durable fiber in its stalks, its edible and oil-rich seeds, and the psychoactive and medicinal compounds produced by its female flowers. This book presents an exploration of the natural origins and early evolution of cannabis, highlighting its historic role in the development of human societies. Num Pages: 456 pages. BIC Classification: JFFH1; JHB; PST. Category: (G) General (US: Trade). Dimension: 285 x 219 x 21. Weight in Grams: 1328.
- Publisher
- University of California Press
- Format
- Paperback
- Publication date
- 2016
- Edition
- Reprint
- Condition
- New
- V9780520292482
- 9780520292482
Condition: New
€ 50.17€ 39.92
€ 50.17
€ 39.92
Paperback. Covering the prominent 150 reptiles and 80 amphibians found in the region (Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi), with concise text, photograph and map for each, this is a pocket guide for a diverse and often conspicuous and attractive group of animals. Num Pages: 240 pages, Over 350 photos plus maps. BIC Classification: 1HFG; GBC; PSVW3; PSVW5. Category: (G) General (US: Trade). Dimension: 191 x 127 x 14. Weight in Grams: 342.
- Publisher
- Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
- Number of pages
- 240
- Format
- Paperback
- Publication date
- 2006
- Condition
- New
- V9780713674255
- 9780713674255
Condition: New
€ 23.99€ 17.74
€ 23.99
€ 17.74
Hardback. The most comprehensive examination of amphibian evolution ever produced, The Rise of Amphibians is an essential resource for paleontologists, herpetologists, geologists, and evolutionary biologists. Num Pages: 392 pages, 251, 16 colour plates, 235 black & white illustrations. BIC Classification: PSAJ; PSVW3. Category: (UP) Postgraduate, Research & Scholarly; (UU) Undergraduate. Dimension: 281 x 225 x 31. Weight in Grams: 1372.
- Publisher
- Johns Hopkins University Press United States
- Number of pages
- 392
- Format
- Hardback
- Publication date
- 2009
- Edition
- 1st Edition
- Condition
- New
- V9780801891403
- 9780801891403
Condition: New
€ 71.67€ 65.29
€ 71.67
€ 65.29