Issues in Bioinvasion Science
Nima Rezaei
Biological invasions are a global problem whose local impact can be of great magnitude. The prevention and minimization of the impact of invasive alien species has become a priority because of their negative impact on biodiversity, economy and public health.
Effective responses are needed; cooperation and coordination among countries and/or different sectors of society are a must. To combine and share experiences on biological invasions at international, regional and local level it is essential to develop compatible approaches to common problems.
With this aim, the GEI (Grupo Especies Invasoras) organised the First National Conference on Invasive Alien Species in ... Read more
Issues in Bioinvasion Science contains key contributions of this conference. The themes included cut across different aspects of non-native species invasions. This volume is essential reading for anyone seeking an understanding of non-native species invasions.
Our aim: to go beyond national boundaries in order to tackle these complex biological issues.
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