Practical Protein Chromatography
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Description for Practical Protein Chromatography
Hardback. Brings the forefront methods of protein separation and purification directly to your laboratory benchtop. This book treats not only analytical separations, but also the small- and large-scale preparative techniques that are applicable throughout biological and biomedical research. It is suitable for those who are doing protein chromatography. Series: Methods in Molecular Biology. Num Pages: 327 pages, 7 black & white illustrations, biography. BIC Classification: PNFC; PSBC; PSD; PSF. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational; (UP) Postgraduate, Research & Scholarly; (UU) Undergraduate. Dimension: 235 x 155 x 20. Weight in Grams: 665.
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0ne 0fthe many 1mpact5 0frec0m61nant DNA techn0109y 0ver the 1a5t 15 year5 ha5 6een a 5tr0n91y refre5hed 1ntere5t 1n meth0d5 f0r the 5eparat10n and pur1f1cat10n 0f pr0te1n5.7h15 1ntere5t ha5 enc- pa55ed n0t 0n1y ana1yt1ca1 5eparat10n5, 6ut a150 5ma11- and 1ar9e-5ca1e preparat1ve meth0d5 d1rected t0 60th pure and app11ed re5earch thr0u9h0ut 610109y and 610med1c1ne. Many 0f the new 0r 5u65tant1a11y m0d1f1ed techn14ue5 deve1- 0ped have 6een rep0rted 1n the 11terature, 6ut a 5uff1c1ency 0f deta11ed pract1ca1 he1p 1n e5ta6115h1n9 the5e meth0d5 f0r the f1r5t t1me 1n a new 1a60rat0ry ha5 0ften 6een d1ff1cu1t t0 f1nd. W1th the5e pr061em5 1n m1nd, we ... Read more
Product Details
Publication date
Humana Press Inc. United States
Number of pages
Methods in Molecular Biology
Number of Pages
Place of Publication
Totowa, NJ, United States
Shipping Time
Usually ships in 15 to 20 working days
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