Euglena: Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology
. Ed(S): Schwartzbach, Steven; Shigeoka, Shigeru
This much-needed book is the first definitive volume on Euglena in twenty-fire years, offering information on its atypical biochemistry, cell and molecular biology, and potential biotechnology applications. This volume gathers together contributions from well-known experts, who in many cases played major roles in elucidating the phenomenon discussed. Presented in three parts, the first section of this comprehensive book describes novel biochemical pathways which in some instances have an atypical subcellular localization. The second section details atypical cellular mechanisms of organelle protein import, organelle nuclear genome interdependence, gene regulation and expression that provides insights into the evolutionary origins of eukaryotic cells. The final section ... Read more
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About . Ed(S): Schwartzbach, Steven; Shigeoka, Shigeru
Reviews for Euglena: Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology