DNA-Protein Interactions
. Ed(S): Leblanc, Benoit P.; Rodrigue, Sebastien
This fourth edition reflects the most recent technical advances in DNA-protein interaction research. With fully updated chapters that describe techniques proven by their continuous value, the volume also many new chapters have been added that mostly deal with larger-scale experiments, reflecting recent advances in "big biology", combining to offer a very useful compendium of protocols allowing readers to delve into the intricacies of protein-DNA interaction at levels ranging from the very small (as in the case of single-molecule FRET) to the very complex (as with circular chromatin conformation capture or 4C). Written for the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology ... Read more
Authoritative and up-to-date, DNA-Protein Interactions: Principles and Protocols, Fourth Edition will aid researchers in continuing the incredible progress made in this vital area of study.
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