Starter Cultures in Food Production
. Ed(S): Speranza, Barbara; Bevilacqua, Antonio; Corbo, Maria Rosaria; Sinigaglia, Milena
Starter cultures have great significance in the food industry due to their vital role in the manufacture, flavour, and texture development of fermented foods. Once mainly used in the dairy industry, nowadays starter cultures are applied across a variety of food products, including meat, sourdough, vegetables, wine and fish. New data on the potential health benefits of these organisms has led to additional interest in starter bacteria.
Starter Cultures in Food Production details the most recent insights into starter cultures. Opening with a brief description of the current selection protocols and industrial production of starter cultures, the book then focuses ... Read more
This book will provide food producers, researchers and students with a tentative answer to the emerging issues of how to use starter cultures and how microorganisms could play a significant role in the complex process of food innovation.
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About . Ed(S): Speranza, Barbara; Bevilacqua, Antonio; Corbo, Maria Rosaria; Sinigaglia, Milena
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