Coherent Quantum Optics and Technology
Motoichi Ohtsu
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Description for Coherent Quantum Optics and Technology
Paperback. Series: Advances in Opto-Electronics (Closed). Num Pages: 241 pages, biography. BIC Classification: PDDM; PHQ; TTB. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational. Dimension: 240 x 160 x 13. Weight in Grams: 396.
While preparing the manuscript ofthis book, the author was informed that Profs. H. Dehmelt, Univ. ofWashington, W. Paul, Univ. Bonn and N. F. Ramsey, HarvardUniv. havewontheNobel PrizeinPhysics(1989;fortheirNobellectures, refertoRev.ModernPhysics,Vol.62(l990)pp.525-552).Theirmaincontributions are the pioneering works on the Ramsey resonance method, ion trap, and so on, which are the main topics to be discussed in this book. TherearetwoothergroupspreviouslyawardedwiththeNobelprizeinPhysics for their contributions to laser physics and quantum optics; C. H. Townes, N. G. Basov, and A. M. Prokhorov were awarded a Nobel prize for their works on the inventionofmasers and lasers as well as the basic studiesofquantum electronics; N. Bloembergen and A. L. Schawlow, in ... Read more
While preparing the manuscript ofthis book, the author was informed that Profs. H. Dehmelt, Univ. ofWashington, W. Paul, Univ. Bonn and N. F. Ramsey, HarvardUniv. havewontheNobel PrizeinPhysics(1989;fortheirNobellectures, refertoRev.ModernPhysics,Vol.62(l990)pp.525-552).Theirmaincontributions are the pioneering works on the Ramsey resonance method, ion trap, and so on, which are the main topics to be discussed in this book. TherearetwoothergroupspreviouslyawardedwiththeNobelprizeinPhysics for their contributions to laser physics and quantum optics; C. H. Townes, N. G. Basov, and A. M. Prokhorov were awarded a Nobel prize for their works on the inventionofmasers and lasers as well as the basic studiesofquantum electronics; N. Bloembergen and A. L. Schawlow, in ... Read more
Product Details
Publication date
Springer Netherlands
Number of pages
Advances in Opto-Electronics (Closed)
Number of Pages
Place of Publication
Dordrecht, Netherlands
Shipping Time
Usually ships in 15 to 20 working days
Reviews for Coherent Quantum Optics and Technology
`... Ohtsu is to be recommended for his enthusiastic attempt to summarize the emerging technology associated with quantum optics in a brief, general manner. ... I recommend this book to anyone from an intermediate-level undergraduate through seasoned researcher who is seeking an introduction to the theory, techniques, and applications of ultrastable lasers.' ... Read more