Distributions and Operators
Gerd Grubb
€ 126.05
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Description for Distributions and Operators
Hardcover. This book gives an introduction to distribution theory, based on the work of Schwartz and of many other people. It is the first book to present distribution theory as a standard text. Each chapter has been enhanced with many exercises and examples. Series: Graduate Texts in Mathematics. Num Pages: 464 pages, biography. BIC Classification: PBK. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational. Dimension: 241 x 167 x 33. Weight in Grams: 826.
This textbook gives an introduction to distribution theory with emphasis on applications using functional analysis. In more advanced parts of the book, pseudodi?erential methods are introduced. Distributiontheoryhasbeen developedprimarilytodealwithpartial(and ordinary) di?erential equations in general situations. Functional analysis in, say, Hilbert spaces has powerful tools to establish operators with good m- ping properties and invertibility properties. A combination of the two allows showing solvability of suitable concrete partial di?erential equations (PDE). When partial di?erential operators are realized as operators in L (?) for 2 n anopensubset?ofR ,theycomeoutasunboundedoperators.Basiccourses infunctionalanalysisareoftenlimitedtothestudyofboundedoperators,but we here meet the necessityof treating suitable types ofunbounded operators; primarily those that are ... Read more
This textbook gives an introduction to distribution theory with emphasis on applications using functional analysis. In more advanced parts of the book, pseudodi?erential methods are introduced. Distributiontheoryhasbeen developedprimarilytodealwithpartial(and ordinary) di?erential equations in general situations. Functional analysis in, say, Hilbert spaces has powerful tools to establish operators with good m- ping properties and invertibility properties. A combination of the two allows showing solvability of suitable concrete partial di?erential equations (PDE). When partial di?erential operators are realized as operators in L (?) for 2 n anopensubset?ofR ,theycomeoutasunboundedoperators.Basiccourses infunctionalanalysisareoftenlimitedtothestudyofboundedoperators,but we here meet the necessityof treating suitable types ofunbounded operators; primarily those that are ... Read more
Product Details
Publication date
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. United States
Number of pages
Graduate Texts in Mathematics
Number of Pages
Place of Publication
New York, NY, United States
Shipping Time
Usually ships in 15 to 20 working days
Reviews for Distributions and Operators
From the reviews: "The book is directed at graduate students and ‘researchers interested in its special topics’ … . Distribution and Operators is split into five parts … . Well-written and scholarly, and equipped with many exercises of considerable pedagogical importance … Grubb’s book is a fine contribution to the literature and should soon occupy a solid ... Read more