Elements of Structural Dynamics
Debasish Roy
Structural dynamics is a subset of structural analysis which covers the behavior of structures subjected to dynamic loading. The subject has seen rapid growth and also change in how the basic concepts can be interpreted. For instance, the classical notions of discretizing the operator of a dynamic structural model have given way to a set-theoretic, function-space based framework, which is more conducive to implementation with a computer. This modern perspective, as adopted in this book, is also helpful in putting together the various tools and ideas in a more integrated style.
Elements of Structural Dynamics: A New Perspective is devoted ... Read more
Key features:
- Employs a novel ‘top down’ approach to structural dynamics.
- Contains an insightful treatment of the computational aspects, including the finite element method, that translate into numerical solutions of the dynamic equations of motion.
- Consistently touches upon the modern mathematical basis for the theories and approximations involved.
Elements of Structural Dynamics: A New Perspective is a holistic treatise on structural dynamics and is an ideal textbook for senior undergraduate and graduate students in Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil engineering departments. This book also forms a useful reference for researchers and engineers in industry.
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