Time to Shine: Applications of Solar Energy Technology
Michael Grupp
The perfect primer for the engineer, scientist, and layperson alike to learn about the practical applications of solar energy technology and how it is being used today, all over the world.
Solar energy heats our homes, lights our city streets, and provides power worldwide. As solar energy becomes increasingly more important in all of our lives, it becomes increasingly more important to learn how it works and how it can be implemented.
Solar energy has been the "new" energy for a long time. As this technology becomes a larger and larger piece of the energy spectrum, it is increasingly important ... Read more
With a focus on its current uses, including developing countries, this book shows examples of actual and potential uses of solar energy. It presents an original view of solar energy technology, as well as tools for the understanding of consequences of energy-related decisions. Parts of this book draw to a large extent on the work of the Synopsis Institute in Lodève, France, a leading research and development firm in the area of solar energy technology and its practical uses in our everyday lives.
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About Michael Grupp
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