Masonry Constructions: Mechanical Models and Numerical Applications
Lucchesi, Massimiliano; Padovani, Cristina; Pasquinelli, Giuseppe; Zani, Nicola
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Description for Masonry Constructions: Mechanical Models and Numerical Applications
Paperback. This monograph firstly provides a detailed description of the constitutive equation of masonry-like materials, clearly setting out its most important features. It then goes on to provide a numerical procedure to solve the equilibrium problem of masonry solids. Series: Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics. Num Pages: 176 pages, 2 black & white tables, biography. BIC Classification: PHD; TGB; TGMD4; UGC. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational. Dimension: 234 x 156 x 9. Weight in Grams: 278.
Many historically and artistically important masonry buildings of the world’s architecturalheritageareindireneedofmaintenanceandrestoration.Inorder tooptimizesuchoperationsintermsofcost-e?ectiveness,architecturalimpact andstatice?ectiveness,accuratemodelsofthestructuralbehaviorofmasonry constructions are invaluable. The ultimate aim of such modeling is to obtain important information, such as the stress ?eld, and to estimate the extent of cracking and its evolution when the structure is subjected to variations in both boundary and loading conditions. Although masonry has been used in building for centuries, it is only - centlythatconstitutivemodelsandcalculationtechniqueshavebeenavailable that enable realistic description of the static behavior of structures made of this heterogeneous material whose response to tension is fundamentally d- ferent from that to compression. Important insights on the ... Read more
Many historically and artistically important masonry buildings of the world’s architecturalheritageareindireneedofmaintenanceandrestoration.Inorder tooptimizesuchoperationsintermsofcost-e?ectiveness,architecturalimpact andstatice?ectiveness,accuratemodelsofthestructuralbehaviorofmasonry constructions are invaluable. The ultimate aim of such modeling is to obtain important information, such as the stress ?eld, and to estimate the extent of cracking and its evolution when the structure is subjected to variations in both boundary and loading conditions. Although masonry has been used in building for centuries, it is only - centlythatconstitutivemodelsandcalculationtechniqueshavebeenavailable that enable realistic description of the static behavior of structures made of this heterogeneous material whose response to tension is fundamentally d- ferent from that to compression. Important insights on the ... Read more
Product Details
Publication date
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Germany
Number of pages
Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics
Number of Pages
Place of Publication
Berlin, Germany
Shipping Time
Usually ships in 15 to 20 working days
Reviews for Masonry Constructions: Mechanical Models and Numerical Applications