Frobenius Categories versus Brauer Blocks
Puig Lluis
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Description for Frobenius Categories versus Brauer Blocks
Hardback. This book contributes to important questions in modern representation theory of finite groups. It introduces and develops the abstract setting of the Frobenius categories and gives the application of the abstract setting to the blocks. Series: Progress in Mathematics. Num Pages: 498 pages, biography. BIC Classification: PBPD. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational. Dimension: 235 x 155 x 30. Weight in Grams: 988.
I1 More than one hundred years ago, Georg Frobenius [26] proved his remarkable theorem a?rming that, for a primep and a ?nite groupG, if the quotient of the normalizer by the centralizer of anyp-subgroup ofG is a p-group then, up to a normal subgroup of order prime top,G is ap-group. Ofcourse,itwouldbeananachronismtopretendthatFrobenius,when doing this theorem, was thinking the category - notedF in the sequel - G where the objects are thep-subgroups ofG and the morphisms are the group homomorphisms between them which are induced by theG-conjugation. Yet Frobenius' hypothesis is truly meaningful in this category. I2 Fifty years ago, John Thompson ... Read more
I1 More than one hundred years ago, Georg Frobenius [26] proved his remarkable theorem a?rming that, for a primep and a ?nite groupG, if the quotient of the normalizer by the centralizer of anyp-subgroup ofG is a p-group then, up to a normal subgroup of order prime top,G is ap-group. Ofcourse,itwouldbeananachronismtopretendthatFrobenius,when doing this theorem, was thinking the category - notedF in the sequel - G where the objects are thep-subgroups ofG and the morphisms are the group homomorphisms between them which are induced by theG-conjugation. Yet Frobenius' hypothesis is truly meaningful in this category. I2 Fifty years ago, John Thompson ... Read more
Product Details
Publication date
Birkhauser Verlag AG Switzerland
Number of pages
Progress in Mathematics
Number of Pages
Place of Publication
Basel, Switzerland
Shipping Time
Usually ships in 15 to 20 working days
Reviews for Frobenius Categories versus Brauer Blocks
From the reviews: “The concept of Frobenius category (also called saturated fusion system) has been developed by Lluis Puig many years ago. … This volume is a research monograph containing many original results which appear for the first time in print … . The book ends with Appendix developing the author’s point of view on cohomology of small categories. ... Read more