Functional Approach to Nonlinear Models of Water Flow in Soils
G. Marinoschi
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Description for Functional Approach to Nonlinear Models of Water Flow in Soils
Hardback. Focuses on the functional study of the nonlinear boundary value problems relating to water flow in porous media. This title shows that abstract theory may be sometimes easier and richer in consequences for applications than standard classical approaches are. Series: Mathematical Modelling: Theory and Applications. Num Pages: 328 pages, biography. BIC Classification: PBWR. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational. Dimension: 297 x 210 x 19. Weight in Grams: 1430.
... a pure mathematician does what he can do as well as he should, whilst an applied mathematician does what he should do as well as he can... (Gr. C. Moisil Romanian mathematician, 1906-1973) Flows in porous media were initially the starting point for the study which has evolved into this book, because the acquirement and improving of kn- ledge about the analysis and control of water in?ltration and solute spreading arechallenginganddemandingpresentissuesinmanydomains,likesoilsci- ces, hydrology, water management, water quality management, ecology. The mathematical modelling required by these processes revealed from the beg- ning interesting and di?cult mathematical problems, so that the ... Read more
... a pure mathematician does what he can do as well as he should, whilst an applied mathematician does what he should do as well as he can... (Gr. C. Moisil Romanian mathematician, 1906-1973) Flows in porous media were initially the starting point for the study which has evolved into this book, because the acquirement and improving of kn- ledge about the analysis and control of water in?ltration and solute spreading arechallenginganddemandingpresentissuesinmanydomains,likesoilsci- ces, hydrology, water management, water quality management, ecology. The mathematical modelling required by these processes revealed from the beg- ning interesting and di?cult mathematical problems, so that the ... Read more
Product Details
Publication date
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. United States
Number of pages
Mathematical Modelling: Theory and Applications
Number of Pages
Place of Publication
New York, NY, United States
Shipping Time
Usually ships in 15 to 20 working days
Reviews for Functional Approach to Nonlinear Models of Water Flow in Soils
From the reviews: "This book contains a study of water infiltration and transport-diffusion of solutes in porous media. … The book is useful for graduate and master-classes students, mathematicians and applied mathematicians." (Gelu Pasa, Zentralblatt MATH, Vol. 1102 (4), 2007) “The title of this book is intended to convey that it is devoted to illustrating the ... Read more