Optimization of Elliptic Systems
Neittaanmaki, P.; Sprekels, Jurgen; Tiba, D.
€ 197.35
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Description for Optimization of Elliptic Systems
Hardback. Provides a comprehensive introduction to the optimization of elliptic systems. This monograph aims to address some of the questions in the field. It is organized into six chapters that give a gradual and accessible presentation of the material. It is addressed to a large readership, primarily to graduate students and researchers. Series: Springer Monographs in Mathematics. Num Pages: 528 pages, biography. BIC Classification: PB. Category: (UU) Undergraduate. Dimension: 234 x 156 x 28. Weight in Grams: 949.
The present monograph is intended to provide a comprehensive and accessible introduction to the optimization of elliptic systems. This area of mathematical research, which has many important applications in science and technology. has experienced an impressive development during the past two decades. There are already many good textbooks dealing with various aspects of optimal design problems. In this regard, we refer to the works of Pironneau [1984], Haslinger and Neittaanmaki [1988], [1996], Sokolowski and Zolksio [1992], Litvinov [2000], Allaire [2001], Mohammadi and Pironneau [2001], Delfour and Zolksio [2001], and Makinen and Haslinger [2003]. Already Lions [I9681 devoted a major part ... Read more
The present monograph is intended to provide a comprehensive and accessible introduction to the optimization of elliptic systems. This area of mathematical research, which has many important applications in science and technology. has experienced an impressive development during the past two decades. There are already many good textbooks dealing with various aspects of optimal design problems. In this regard, we refer to the works of Pironneau [1984], Haslinger and Neittaanmaki [1988], [1996], Sokolowski and Zolksio [1992], Litvinov [2000], Allaire [2001], Mohammadi and Pironneau [2001], Delfour and Zolksio [2001], and Makinen and Haslinger [2003]. Already Lions [I9681 devoted a major part ... Read more
Product Details
Publication date
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. United States
Number of pages
Springer Monographs in Mathematics
Number of Pages
Place of Publication
New York, NY, United States
Shipping Time
Usually ships in 15 to 20 working days
Reviews for Optimization of Elliptic Systems
From the reviews: "The book gives a comprehensive view of the optimization of systems governed by partial differential equations of elliptic type. … The book is carefully written. Basic tools of convex analysis, an abstract optimization theory, notions on the well-posedness of elliptic systems, and the existence results for optimal control problems are presented in ... Read more