Stability and Chaos in Celestial Mechanics
Alessandra Celletti
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Description for Stability and Chaos in Celestial Mechanics
Paperback. This overview of classical celestial mechanics focuses the interplay with dynamical systems. Paradigmatic models introduce key concepts - order, chaos, invariant curves and cantori - followed by the investigation of dynamical systems with numerical methods. Series: Springer-Praxis Books. Num Pages: 280 pages, 43 black & white illustrations, biography. BIC Classification: PG; PHU; PHVB. Category: (G) General (US: Trade). Dimension: 240 x 170 x 14. Weight in Grams: 433.
The last decades have marked the beginning of a new era in Celestial Mech- ics. The challenges came from several di?erent directions. The stability theory of nearly-integrable systems (a class of problems which includes many models of - lestial Mechanics) pro?ted from the breakthrough represented by the Kolmogorov- Arnold-Moser theory, which also provides tools for determining explicitly the - rameter values allowing for stability. A con?nement of the actions for exponential times was guaranteed by Nekhoroshev's theorem, which gives much information about the geography of the resonances. Performing ever-faster computer simu- tionsallowedustohavedeeperinsightsintomanyquestionsofDynamicalSystems, most notably chaos theory. In this context several ... Read more
The last decades have marked the beginning of a new era in Celestial Mech- ics. The challenges came from several di?erent directions. The stability theory of nearly-integrable systems (a class of problems which includes many models of - lestial Mechanics) pro?ted from the breakthrough represented by the Kolmogorov- Arnold-Moser theory, which also provides tools for determining explicitly the - rameter values allowing for stability. A con?nement of the actions for exponential times was guaranteed by Nekhoroshev's theorem, which gives much information about the geography of the resonances. Performing ever-faster computer simu- tionsallowedustohavedeeperinsightsintomanyquestionsofDynamicalSystems, most notably chaos theory. In this context several ... Read more
Product Details
Publication date
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Germany
Number of pages
Springer-Praxis Books
Number of Pages
Place of Publication
Berlin, Germany
Shipping Time
Usually ships in 15 to 20 working days
Reviews for Stability and Chaos in Celestial Mechanics
From the reviews: “The aim of this book is to demonstrate a modern aspects of celestial mechanics. … The book contain a set of Appendices (A–G) good for quick reference to the literature … . The present excellent book is devoted to advance level undergraduate students as well as postgraduate students and researchers. The author provided comprehensive literature, 175 ... Read more