Progress in Turbulence V
. Ed(S): Talamelli, Alessandro; Oberlack, Martin; Peinke, Joachim
This volume collects the edited and reviewed contributions presented in the 5th iTi Conference in Bertinoro covering fundamental aspects in turbulent flows. In the spirit of the iTi initiative, the volume is produced after the conference so that the authors had the possibility to incorporate comments and discussions raised during the meeting.
Turbulence presents a large number of aspects and problems, which are still unsolved and which challenge research communities in engineering and physical sciences both in basic and applied research. The book presents recent advances in theory related to new statistical approaches, effect of non-linearities and presence of symmetries. This ... Read more
The structure of the present book is as such that contributions have been bundled according to covering topics i.e. I Theory, II Stability, III Wall bounded flows, IV, Complex flows, V Acoustic, VI Numerical methods.
The volume is dedicated to the memory of Prof. Rudolf Friedrich who prematurely died in Münster/Germany on the 16th of August 2012. In his honor the conference has started with a special session dedicated to his work.
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Reviews for Progress in Turbulence V