LA Correspondance D'Henri Poincare. Mathematiques.
. Ed(S): Walter, Scott; Nabonnand, Philippe; Mawhin, Jean; Volkert, Klaus
Indispensable for understanding Henri Poincaré's vast activity in the mathematical sciences. Provides new sources revealing Poincaré's involvement as president of the "Commission permanente du Répertoire bibliographique des sciences mathématiques" as an actor in the "Dreyfus Affair," and on his links with the editors of the major mathematical journals.
The letters, many of which are unpublished, are fully annotated with an emphasis on the academic, cultural and technical contexts. An introduction underlines the lessons that can be drawn from the reading of these correspondences on Poincaré's position in the mathematical and academic communities. Three indexes facilitate the reading.
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About . Ed(S): Walter, Scott; Nabonnand, Philippe; Mawhin, Jean; Volkert, Klaus
Reviews for LA Correspondance D'Henri Poincare. Mathematiques.