Nonlinear Dynamics of Continuous Elastic Systems
Awrejcewicz, Jan; Krysko, Vadim Anatolevich; Vakakis, Alexander F.
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Description for Nonlinear Dynamics of Continuous Elastic Systems
Paperback. Num Pages: 354 pages, biography. BIC Classification: PDE; TBJ. Category: (P) Professional & Vocational. Dimension: 235 x 155 x 19. Weight in Grams: 545.
There are many monographs in the existing literature devoted to the static and dynamic behavior of plates and shells. Plates and shells are enco- tered often in engineering applications being integralparts of a wide range of constructions, such as machines, vehicles, airplanes, rockets, ships, bridges, buildings, and containers, to name a few. In addition to the usual requi- ments posedby engineersrelatedtolightweightness,su?cientrigidityor?- ibility, and robust stability properties, there is an additional class ofapriori dynamicalpropertiesrequiredbymodernengineeringapplicationswheren- homogeneity and non-uniformity of structural components is often the norm incertainapplications. Inaddition,strictoperationalrequirementsinmodern engineering applications towards higher speeds, lighter construction, robust andreliableperformance,dictatessmallermarginsoferrorordeviationsfrom prescribed performances in adverse or uncertain ... Read more
There are many monographs in the existing literature devoted to the static and dynamic behavior of plates and shells. Plates and shells are enco- tered often in engineering applications being integralparts of a wide range of constructions, such as machines, vehicles, airplanes, rockets, ships, bridges, buildings, and containers, to name a few. In addition to the usual requi- ments posedby engineersrelatedtolightweightness,su?cientrigidityor?- ibility, and robust stability properties, there is an additional class ofapriori dynamicalpropertiesrequiredbymodernengineeringapplicationswheren- homogeneity and non-uniformity of structural components is often the norm incertainapplications. Inaddition,strictoperationalrequirementsinmodern engineering applications towards higher speeds, lighter construction, robust andreliableperformance,dictatessmallermarginsoferrorordeviationsfrom prescribed performances in adverse or uncertain ... Read more
Product Details
Publication date
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Germany
Number of pages
Number of Pages
Place of Publication
Berlin, Germany
Shipping Time
Usually ships in 15 to 20 working days
Reviews for Nonlinear Dynamics of Continuous Elastic Systems
From the reviews: "The authors put together a unique monograph on an interesting array of elastodyamic subjects. … The work is presented in the manner of a series of seminars. Thus it is very appealing to the professional who wishes to focus on the physics and macroscopic mathematics of the subject. An excellent list of ... Read more