Physics DeMYSTiFieD, Second Edition
Stan Gibilisco
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Understanding PHYSICS just got a whole lot EASIER!
Stumped trying to make sense of physics? Here's your solution. Physics Demystified, Second Edition helps you grasp the essential concepts with ease.
Written in a step-by-step format, this practical guide begins by covering classical physics, including mass, force, motion, momentum, work, energy, and power, as well as the temperature and states of matter. Electricity, magnetism, and electronics are discussed as are waves, particles, space, and time. Detailed ... Read more
It's a no-brainer! You'll learn about:
- Scientific notation, units, and constants
- Newton's laws of motion
- Kirchhoff's laws
- Alternating current and semiconductors
- Optics
- Relativity theory
Simple enough for a beginner, but detailed enough for an advanced student, Physics Demystified, Second Edition helps you master this challenging and diverse subject. It's also the perfect resource to prepare you for higher-level physics classes and college placement tests.
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About Stan Gibilisco
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