Steam Plant Operation
Woodruff, Everett B.; Lammers, Herbert B.; Lammers, Thomas F.
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The definitive reference on the role of steam in the production and operation of power plants for electric generation and industrial process applications
For more than 80 years, Steam Plant Operation has been an unmatched source of information on steam power plants, including design, operation, and maintenance. The Tenth Edition emphasizes the importance of devising a comprehensive energy plan utilizing all economical sources of energy, including fossil fuels, nuclear power, and renewable ... Read more
This practical guide includes common power plant calculations such as plant heat rate, boiler efficiency, pump performance, combustion processes, and explains the systems necessary to control plant emissions. Numerous illustrations and clear presentation of the material will prove invaluable for those preparing for an operator’s license exam. Examples throughout show real-world application of the topics discussed.
• Steam and Its Importance
• Boilers
• Design and Construction of Boilers
• Combustion of Fuels
• Boiler Settings, Combustion Systems, and Auxiliary Equipment
• Boiler Accessories
• Operation and Maintenance of Boilers
• Pumps
• Steam Turbines, Condensers, and Cooling Towers
• Operating and Maintaining Steam Turbines, Condensers, Cooling Towers, and Auxiliaries
• Auxiliary Steam Plant Equipment
• Environmental Control Systems
• Waste-to-Energy Plants
Product Details
About Woodruff, Everett B.; Lammers, Herbert B.; Lammers, Thomas F.
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