Autonomous Cooperation and Control in Logistics
. Ed(S): Hulsmann, Michael; Scholz-Reiter, Bernd; Windt, Katja
Many new technologies – like RFID, GPS, and sensor networks – that dominate innovative developments in logistics are based on the idea of autonomous cooperation and control. This self-organisational concept describes „...processes of decentralized decision-making in heterarchical structures. It presumes interacting elements in non-deterministic systems, which possess the capability and possibility to render decisions. The objective of autonomous cooperation and control is the achievement of increased robustness and positive emergence of the total system due to distributed and flexible coping with dynamics and complexity“ (Hülsmann & Windt, 2007). In order to underlie these technology-driven developments with a fundamental theoretical foundation ... Read more
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About . Ed(S): Hulsmann, Michael; Scholz-Reiter, Bernd; Windt, Katja
Reviews for Autonomous Cooperation and Control in Logistics