Multivariable Computer-Controlled Systems
Rosenwasser, Efim N. (St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University, St. Petersburg, Russia); Lampe, Bernhard P.
Although the transfer function approach is widely used in classical control theory, computer-controlled continuous-time processes are a very important subset of periodic sampled-data systems which are not treatable using ordinary transfer functions.
The authors show how parametric transfer functions, which incorporate time-dependence, can be used to give a complete exposition of analysis and design methods for multi-input, multi-output (MIMO) sampled-data systems.
Multivariable Computer-controlled Systems is divided into three parts:
- Preliminary algebraic material necessary in later chapters.
- Control problems, important in their own right but also having a substantial bearing on what follows.
- Frequency methods for the investigation ... Read more
Appendices covering basic mathematical formulae and two MATLAB® toolboxes round out this self-contained guide.
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About Rosenwasser, Efim N. (St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University, St. Petersburg, Russia); Lampe, Bernhard P.
Reviews for Multivariable Computer-Controlled Systems