Mobile TV
. Ed(S): Marcus, Aaron; Roibas, Dr Anxo Cereijo; Sala, Riccardo
Developing usable, useful, and appealing solutions for the customer or user experience requires customization according to specific users' needs amidst frequently changing physical and social environments. Complex design problems like these require interdisciplinary perspectives that cover software functionality, human interaction and communication experiences, and perceived value.
After defining and summarizing current research and development, this book focuses on Mobile TV experience in everyday life, innovative conceptual and participatory design methods, contextual analysis methods, social context for interactive multimedia systems, advanced interaction with mobile digital content, and future trends for the wide range of products and services that will be offered ... Read more
The Editors have carefully balanced the theoretical and empirical approaches providing a valuable insight into principles and methods, as well as actionable guidelines and recommendations for all those interested in exploring how to achieve the core objectives of usability, usefulness, and social appeal of this new mobile-video technology. The book answers many questions, and raises some new ones that only future technology development and deployment in mobile human-computer interaction and communication can answer.
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About . Ed(S): Marcus, Aaron; Roibas, Dr Anxo Cereijo; Sala, Riccardo
Reviews for Mobile TV