Automotive Engine Performance (Pearson Automotive Series)
James D. Halderman
This book is part of the Pearson Automotive Professional Technician Series, which provides full-color, media-integrated solutions for today’s students and instructors covering all eight areas of ASE certification, plus additional titles covering common courses. Peer reviewed for technical accuracy, the series and the books in it represent the future of automotive textbooks.
Prepare tomorrow’s automotive professionals for success.
Automotive Engine Performance, 5/e covers both the fundamental and advanced engine performance topics, as well as the practical skills that students must master to be successful in the industry. Written by a service technician and an automotive instructor—not a technical writer—and fully ... Read more
To keep your course current, all of the content is correlated to the latest NATEF task requirements for the NATEF MLR, AST, and MAST designated topics of Automotive Engine Performance Systems (A8); over 40 new photos or drawings are included to bring the content alive; and new or updated information is included on such topics as new OSHA hazardous chemical labeling requirements, Atkinson Cycle engine design, scope testing of MAF sensors, gasoline direct injection (GDI), Fiat Chrysler Multiair System information, and Tier 3 Emission Standards.
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About James D. Halderman
Reviews for Automotive Engine Performance (Pearson Automotive Series)