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Groebner, David F.; Shannon, Patrick W.; Fry, Phillip C. - Business Statistics: A Decision-Making Approach - 9780134496498 - V9780134496498
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Business Statistics: A Decision-Making Approach

€ 313.02
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Description for Business Statistics: A Decision-Making Approach hardcover. This supplement contains tests and quizzes for each chapter in the text, and is available from Pearson's Instructor Resource Center. Num Pages: 864 pages. BIC Classification: KJQ; PBT. Category: (U) Tertiary Education (US: College). Dimension: 276 x 216 x 33. Weight in Grams: 1842.

For 2-Semester Introductory Business Statistics Courses.

Gain an edge in today’s workplace by applying statistical analysis skills to real-world decision-making.

Business Statistics: A Decision Making Approach provides you with an introduction to business statistics and to the analysis skills and techniques needed to make successful real-world business decisions. Written for students of all mathematical skill levels, the authors present concepts in a systematic and ordered way, drawing from their own experience as educators and consultants. Rooted in the theme that data are the starting point, Business Statistics champions the need to use and understand different types of data and data sources to ... Read more

Also available with MyLab Statistics.

MyLab™ Statistics is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to work with this text to engage students and improve results. Within its structured environment, students practice what they learn, test their understanding, and pursue a personalized study plan that helps them absorb course material and understand difficult concepts.

Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; MyLab Statistics does not come packaged with this content. Students, if interested in purchasing this title with MyLab Statistics, ask your instructor to confirm the correct package ISBN and Course ID. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.

If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MyLab Statistics, search for:

0134763637 / 9780134763637 Business Statistics Plus MyLab Statistics with Pearson eText -- Title-Specific Access Card Package, 10/e


Package consists of:   

  • 0134496493 / 9780134496498 Business Statistics
  • 0134748492 / 9780134748498 MyLab Statistics for Business Stats with Pearson eText -- Standalone Access Card -- for Business Statistics
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Product Details

Publication date
Pearson United States
Number of pages
Number of Pages
Place of Publication
, United States
Shipping Time
Usually ships in 15 to 20 working days

About Groebner, David F.; Shannon, Patrick W.; Fry, Phillip C.
David F. Groebner is Professor Emeritus of Production Management in the College of Business and Economics at Boise State University. He has bachelor’s and master’s degrees in engineering and a Ph.D. in business administration. After working as an engineer, he has taught statistics and related subjects for 27 years. In addition to writing textbooks and academic papers, Groebner has worked ... Read more

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